marți, 24 ianuarie 2023

O nouă bancnotă comemorativă din Polonia - 24.01.2023

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Poland new 20-złoty commemorative note (BNP827a) reported for introduction on 09.02.2023

BNP827 (PNL): 20 złotych (US$5)

Green, blue, red, and brown. Front: Polish text; coat of arms with crowned eagle; Nicolaus Copernicus. Back: Polish text; old coins. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: PWPW S.A. 150 x 77 mm. Polymer.

a. Date unknown. Sig. 19: Glapinski/Jaroszek. Prefix MK. 10,000 notes. Intro: 09.02.2023. Unconfirmed.

300-dpi scans requested.

Courtesy of Krzysztof Wojtowicz.


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