sâmbătă, 8 octombrie 2022

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Slovacia - 08.10.2022

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A new commemorative 2 euro coin has been issued this week, specifically on Wednesday, October 5, the Bank of Slovakia put into circulation this coin dedicated to the «300th anniversary of the construction of the first steam engine to pump water from the mines of Slovakia”, which was installed in the Banská Štiavnica mines, also being the first located in continental Europe.

This machine for pumping water was known as Newcomen's engine. It was developed by Thomas Newcomen in 1712, it was an atmospheric engine, its almost exclusive use was to pump water out of mines. The maximum distance it could lift water was not limited by the machine but by the associated pumps. Following its invention and use in England, the Newcomen machine was quickly adopted throughout Europe for mine drainage use.

The design depicted on the coin, the work of Peter Valach, is based on a technical drawing by the machine's author, British engineer Isaac Potter, which captures a distinctive linear pattern. The image represents the operation of the machine mechanism at all heights of a mine.

The Slovak Mint, Mincovňa Kremnica, has minted one million of these coins, of which except 5,000 in Proof quality, the rest are intended for circulation.

2 euro commemorative coins from Slovakia

2 euro commemorative coins 2022


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