luni, 12 septembrie 2022

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Ucraina - 12.09.2022

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The Bank of Ukraine announces the issuance, for next September 15, of a new currency. It is a 5 hryvnia piece minted on an alloy of alpaca, also known as German silver.

The coin is dedicated to one of the architectural pearls of kyiv - Saint Vladimir's Cathedral. Built in neo-Byzantine style, it is striking both for its history and for its interior painting, a true masterpiece of art. A significant amount of donations was collected for the construction of the cathedral, which lasted 20 years, from 1862 to 1882. For more than 10 years, work continued on the interior decoration of the temple, whose unique paintings are its main value.

The obverse of the coin shows at the top, on a mirror background, a small Coat of Arms of the State of Ukraine, to the right and left of which is the inscription NATIONAL BANK OF UKRAINE in a semicircle; on an ornamental background - the main facade of the cathedral, below which there is an ornamental frieze; at the bottom, the denomination of the coin is FIVE/GRIVNAS; the year of issue, 2022, appears to the left of the cathedral and the mark of the Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine to the right.

The reverse of the coin shows an ornamental decorative element of the decoration of the historic building, under which the years of construction of the cathedral, which are, 1862 – 1882, and an ornamental band next to the inscription SAINT VLADIMIR'S CATHEDRAL.

Of the 35,000 coins that the issue consists of, 10,000 come in a special presentation.

Characteristics of the Currency
Country Ukraine
Issue Year 2022
Form Circular with fluted edge
Quality BU
Diameter 35mm
Face Value 5 hryvnias
Date of issue 15 September 2022
Metal nickel silver alloy
Weight 16.54g
Maximum print run 35,000

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