duminică, 21 august 2022

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Ucraina - 21.08.2022

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Within the multiple numismatic issues that have been happening in recent times by Ukraine, the last one is a medal dedicated to its national security agency, which this year, so difficult for the country, celebrates its 30th anniversary.

This medal honors the Security Service of Ukraine, a government body with police functions that ensures the security of the State of Ukraine. It was officially created on March 25, 1992. The Security Service of Ukraine continually faces extremely serious challenges: protecting state security, sovereignty, constitutional order and territorial integrity, as well as strengthening the country's defense potential.

Obverse: at the top, on a plain background, is the semicircular legend УКРАЇНА (Ukraine); in the center is the emblem of the Security Service of Ukraine, on each side a soldier from the agency; under the emblem appears the legend 2022; below is the following semicircular legend 30 РОКІВ СЛУЖБІ БЕЗПЕКИ УКРАЇНИ (30 years since the creation of the Security Service of Ukraine); to the right is the mint mark.

Reverse: on a smooth background is the central building of the Security Service of Ukraine; above the following semicircular legends: top – СЛУЖБА БЕЗПЕКИ УКРАЇНИ (Security Service of Ukraine); below – Below Below Below! (We strive to protect your safety!).

Characteristics of the coin
Country Ukraine
Serie none
Year 2022
Valor facial none
Metal nickel silver alloy
Weight 16,54 g
Diameter 35 mm
Quality THIS
Number 25.000


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