miercuri, 3 august 2022

Noi monede comemorative din Vatican - 03.08.2022

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The designs, issue dates and presentations of the two Vatican commemorative 2-euro coins for 2022 have just been revealed. For the first time, the two coins will be issued in unison on September 6.

125th Anniversary of the birth of Pope Paul VI

This year marks the 125th anniversary of the birth of Giovanni Battista Montini, born in Concesio in 1897 and elected Pope in 1963 under the name of Paul VI. The Vatican State Mint commemorates this anniversary with the 2 euro bimetallic coin, in the BU and Proof versions.

On the coin we see the pontiff smiling and opening his arms in a gesture he used to make to greet the crowd. He wears the cassock cinched at the waist by a sash with the coat of arms of his pontificate embroidered on the hem, the cape and the mantle. The artist Daniela Longo made the engraving of the reverse of the coin, taking up the image of the tapestry exhibited on the facade of Saint Peter during the beatification ceremony of Paul VI: it was October 19, 2014 and she attended the ceremony, together with Pope Francis, also Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. The tapestry shows us the smiling Pope, standing up, opening his arms as if he wanted to embrace virtually all of his people.

25th Anniversary of the death of Mother Teresa of Calcutta

In 1997, at the age of 87, the earthly existence of Mother Teresa of Calcutta ends. The Vatican State Mint dedicates the 2 euro coin to her and her work, in BU and Proof versions.
The artist Orietta Rossi has reproduced, on the reverse of the coin, Mother Teresa with an Indian child in her arms, looking at him with a maternal expression. This sweet image is the emblem of all the love, commitment and dedication that Mother Teresa offered to alleviate the suffering of the "poorest of the poor". Born in 1910 in Skopje, now North Macedonia, she was raised according to the precepts of the Catholic religion. From an early age she became interested in the many activities of the missionaries in India and, after taking her vows, she dedicated her whole life to helping and protecting those most in need. The Congregation of the "Missionaries of Charity", which she founded, was recognized by Pope Pius XII in 1950; since then she has been present in numerous countries in Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania.

More data

The announced issue date for both is next September 6, going on sale in two qualities, FDC and Proof, at the price, for subscribers, of 18 and 37 euros respectively, plus the consequent shipping costs.

Subscribers will begin receiving order forms soon. Comment, for those who do not know, that to be able to buy in the Vatican you have to be a subscriber. They have a waiting list, but you can write to them regularly until you get it to the following email:

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