sâmbătă, 11 iunie 2022

3rd International Colloquium “Iron Age Sanctuaries and Cult Places at the Thracians and their Neighbours”, Alun, June 16th-19th 2022 - PROGRAM


Topic: Inventory, offerings and rituals in the pre-Christian temples and sacred places of continental Europe and Mediterranean area (7thc. BC-2nd c. AD)

Alun, Hunedoara County (Romania), June, 16th-19th 2022

International Union for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences (UISPP) – Commission: Prehistoric and Protohistoric Mortuary Practices

Study Centre of Dacica Foundation
Organizing Committee:

Prof. Dr. Valeriu Sîrbu, President, 30th Commision UISPP

Dr. Aurora Pețan, Secretary, Study Centre of Dacica Foundation


THURSDAY, 16 June 202210.00-14.00 – Welcome and registration of the participants
14.00 – 15.00 – Lunch
16.00 – Official Opening Ceremony of the 3rd International Colloquium. Speakers: officials, organizers and participantsLaunching of the publication: ARHEOVEST, IX1-IX2 , Interdisciplinaritate în Arheologie și Istorie//Interdisciplinarity in Archaeolog yand History – IN HONOREM VALERIU SÎRBU -, Timișoara, November 2021; – Speaker: Dorel Micle

SESSION: 17.00-19.30. CHAIRPERSON: Lyubava KONOVAWojciech BLAJER, Tomasz BOCHNAK, Piotr N. KOTOWICZ, Marcin MACIEJEWSKI,Katarzyna SKOWRON (POLOGNE) – Les dépôts métalliques du premier et du deuxième âge du Fer de larégion de Sanok (sud-est de la Pologne) et leurs relations transcarpatiquesBartosz Kontny (POLAND) – Lubanowo in NW Poland. Waterydeposits of the Roman period weapons
Mihail BĂȚ, Aurel ZANOCI (Republic of MOLDOVA) – Foreign Objects for Gods? About a Middle La Tène Find fromMășcăuți „Dealul Cel Mare” (Republic of Moldova)
Alexandru BERZOVAN (ROMANIA) – Religion and magic in early Late Iron Age hillforts from the East – Carpathian area of Romania


20.00 – Dinner

FRIDAY, 17 June 2022

Davide DELFINO (ITALY) – Devotion of the Samnites “Pentri” in IIIth cent. BC. A comparison between sanctuaries of Campochiaro and San Pietro in Cantoni in the State collections of the Samnite Museum of Campobasso
Gely FRAGOU, ArisTSARAVOPOULOS (GREECE) – Rock cut sanctuaries: the case of Antikythera
Dora KATSONOPOULOU (GREECE) – On the Cult of Poseidon Helikonios in Helike (Achaea, Greece) and the Ionian Mission of the Fourth Century BC

10.30-10.45. Coffee break
Lyubava KONOVA (BULGARIA) – Beyond the Archaeology: Some Observations on the RitualContext of the Thracian Pit Fields in the Light of the Written Records
Diana DIMITROVA (BULGARIA) – Unusualburial complexes from Central Bulgaria in the IV century BC
Ilian PETRAKIEV, Maya IVANOVA, Vladislav ZHIVKOV, Varbin VARBANOV (BULGARIA) – Late Hellenistic structure from Ryahovets fortress (Gorna Oryahovitsa, Bulgaria)


13.00-14.30. Lunch

Livia BUZOIANU, Nicolaie ALEXANDRU (ROMANIA) – Kernos cult pots discovered at Callatis and in the territory of the ancient city
Dragoș MĂNDESCU, Pavel Mirea (ROMANIA) – Radiocarbon dating of the ritual well from Ciolăneștii din Deal, Teleorman County
Sebastian MATEI, Despina MĂGUREANU (ROMANIA) – Ceramic artefacts at the end of theirlives. The relation between the modes of disposal and deposition of the ceramic artefacts, and the cult edifices during the 2nd-1st centuries BC at the settlement from Cârlomănești, Buzău County

17.00-17.15. Coffee break
Valeriu SÎRBU, Diana DĂVÎNCĂ, Marinela PENEȘ (ROMANIA) – Pit fields in the Geto-Dacian World: Some Observations and Case Study
Aurora PEȚAN, Valeriu SÎRBU (ROMANIA) – Revisiting Fețele Albe – an important Dacian site near Sarmizegetusa Regia
Dorel MICLE, Andrei STAVILĂ, Iosif Vasile FERENCZ (ROMANIA) – The pits at Unip-Dealu Cetăţuica. Sacred or profane features?


20.00 – Dinner

SATURDAY, 18 June 2022

9.00-17.00. Documentary trip in the area of the impressive Dacian residential centres in Orăştiei Mountains, including the capital of pre-Roman Dacia – Sarmizegetusa Regia

19.00 – Dinner

SUNDAY, 19 June 2022

08.30 – Official closing ceremony of the International Colloquium

09.00 – 12.00 – Documentary trip: Alun – Piatra Roșie – Dacian fortress and cult place

12.00-13.00 – Lunch

Departure of the participants
Sursa informațiilor Fundația Dacica.

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