duminică, 24 aprilie 2022

Catalogul bancnotelor emise de Bulgaria între 1878-2022 - 24.04.2022 - PDF

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The National Bank of Bulgaria has a very complete catalog of more than 160 pages in PDF format posted on its website, in which a tour of all the banknotes they have issued between 1878 and the present is made. It is a magnificent reference work that I recommend you download and save to all lovers of notafilia.

Bulgaria and the history of its paper money

With the liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman yoke in 1878, the traditions of the Bulgarian state system, interrupted for more than five centuries, were restored. Modern Bulgaria began to establish its institutions, economy and system of government. One of the most important steps in this direction was taken on January 25, 1879, when the commissioner of the Russian emperor in Bulgaria, Knyaz
Dondoukov-Korsakov, signed the draft statutes for the foundation of the Bulgarian National Bank.

The Bank was officially opened on May 23, 1879, when the Russian administration left and management was taken over by the Bulgarian authorities. On June 6 of the same year, the first banking operation was carried out. The young state inherited the chaos in the monetary circulation of coins from Europe and even from more distant countries. The need to introduce a unified monetary measure was urgent. The first government budgets for the fiscal years of 1879 and 1880 were drawn up in French francs.

On June 4, 1880, the Second Ordinary National Assembly adopted the Coinage Rights Law which established the Bulgarian national monetary unit, the lev, divisible into one hundred stotinkas. The first Bulgarian 2, 5 and 10 stotinka coins were minted in Birmingham, England in 1881. The following year 1 and 2 lev coins were minted
in Russia.

The Law on the Bulgarian National Bank of 1885 strengthened the purely issuing activities of the Bank, granting it the "exclusive privilege of issuing banknotes which will be accepted as instruments of payment in the state treasury and in all government institutions". The first Bulgarian banknotes were convertible into gold. They were the 20 and 50 gold leva printed in St. Petersburg, Russia. In 1891 the BNB was authorized to issue convertible notes in silver, which was applied from 1899.

Throughout its long history, the Bulgarian National Bank has printed its banknotes in Russia, Germany, England, the United States and the former State Printing House and State Securities Printing House “Decho Stefanov” in Sofia. Since 1998 the banknotes have been printed at the Printing Works Corp of the BNB, and the new series for 2018-2020 at Oberthur Fiduciaire AD, Sofia.

The face value, design and style of the Bulgarians reflect the different stages of development of the state, changes in its organization, economy, agriculture, culture, etc. They are part of the symbols of the state system and uniquely preserve the historical and cultural memory of the Bulgarian people.

The catalog

This catalog of Bulgarian banknotes includes all banknotes and state treasury notes issued by the BNB. Denominations are reproduced on a scale of 1:1.6. A separate place is assigned to banknote issues that were printed but not circulated.

View or download catalog of Bulgarian Banknotes

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