joi, 24 martie 2022

Noi monede comemorative din Austria - 24.03.2022

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The second coin in the series The Language of Flowers, issued by the Austrian Mint, is dedicated to a plant that divides public opinion. For some, dandelion is nothing more than an annoying weed, while for others it is the most undervalued plant. Regardless of the debate it stirs up, the dandelion is, without a doubt, one of the happiest signs that winter is over and spring has arrived.

Its golden yellow flower, serrated leaves, and spherical seeds make it instantly recognizable. Unlike most plants, the dandelion gives rise to numerous myths and superstitions related specifically to its seed head. Some say that the wishes that are made by blowing the seeds of the plant are fulfilled, others that you can send a message to a loved one by concentrating on what you want to convey while blowing. It is therefore not surprising that the dandelion represents "a wish come true" in the language of flowers. This idea is beautifully illustrated on the obverse of the coin in the form of a young woman with flowers in her hair blowing dandelion seeds. Alongside an elegantly printed ornamental side image of a dandelion.

For centuries, humans have used dandelion as a food and herbal remedy; in addition, it is an important food source for birds and insects in early spring. The plant is believed by many to have mystical and magical qualities, and much of its folklore is related to its ability to answer questions or bring good luck. Dandelion is also associated with perseverance, strength in adversity, and clarity of purpose, and is believed to convey courage similar to that of a lion. They are even said to represent the qualities of warmth, radiance, enlightenment, healing, hope, transformation, and growth. So what's not to love about this tough little "grass"? 


The seven pieces that make up the collection have a face of 10 euros, as in all those issued by the Austrian mint in this value, it adapts to all pockets, depending on the metal and quality. We have the copper one, which is quite cheap, and then two silver versions.


Face value: 10 euros
Issue date: April 6, 2022
Coin design: Helmut Andexlinger, Kathrin Kuntner and Rebecca Wilding
Diameter: 32.00 mm
Metals: Copper / 925 Silver
Volume of issue: 130,000 Copper/ 30,000 BU Silver/ 30,000 Proof Silver

The Proof quality coin comes with some colored notes.

The BU quality is presented in the portfolio that we see in the image.


2021 – The Rose – Love and desire

2022 – The Dandelion – A wish come true

2022 – The Calendula – Positivity and patience

2023 – The Forget-Me-Not – Remember Me

2023 – La Manzanilla – Strength in difficult situations

2024 – The Peony – Good fortune and happiness

2024 – La Violeta – Loyalty and devotion

None of the main flower images in the series are based on a drawing or illustration: the starting point of each coin's design is a real flower grown in the garden, which is then pressed using a special technique that captures the flower in its natural state. 
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