sâmbătă, 29 ianuarie 2022

Programul numismatic al Portugaliei pentru anul 2022 - 29.01.2022

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Another country from which we already know all the coins that it will issue this year is Portugal. The INCM (National Press – Casa da Moeda) has just published its Numismatic Map 2022. In total there are twelve different motifs and coins that the Portuguese Mint has not prepared. I am going to present them to you one by one and at the end I will leave you the document with all the details where you will also find the eurosets.

The order that I am going to follow is the same as that which appears in the Program, it follows the date of issuance of the coins.

7.5 euro coin – 100 Years of José Saramago

This José Saramago centennial commemorative coin was designed by artist Carlos Nogueira. On one side we have an evocation of the sky, sometimes clear, sometimes turbulent, a metaphor related to the firmament that unites us all. On the other hand, we have the land, a fundamental element of Saramago's work: the land we walk on, that gives us sustenance, and to which we will all return. Between these two realities, the cosmic and the earthly, as the writer knew and described, there is always man.

Issuance data

Issue volume: 30,000 500 silver / 2,500 925 silver / 2,000 999 gold
Issue date: February

5 euro coin – Design a Coin – The Climate

The climate was the theme chosen for the third edition of the "Draw a coin" contest, a collaboration with the schools of the municipality of Guarda. Out of 582 proposals, the 1st prize was awarded to Tiago Ferreira, a 6th year student at the Carolina Beatriz Ângelo School. This coin is also the result of the effort of the students of all the schools that participated in the project, who were invited to collect plastic waste, which was then used to mint these 6,000 coins. The colored discs, which symbolize each of the three colors of the recycling points, are a polymer adapted to be integrated into the metal at the time of minting.

Issuance data

Issue volume: 30,000 cupro-nickel / 6,000 925 silver
Issue date: March

2 euro cc coin – Centenary of the First Air Crossing of the South Atlantic

 Leaving Lisbon for Rio de Janeiro, the commander and pilot Sacadura Cabral and the crew member Gago Coutinho successfully carried out the first air crossing of the South Atlantic using innovative techniques. The Lusitânia seaplane depicted on this commemorative coin by sculptor José João de Brito evokes the spirit of adventure and ingenuity that has always accompanied the Portuguese. A century later, may the feat of Gago Cutinho and Sacadura Cabral continue to take us to new heights.

Issuance data

Issue volume: 1,000,000
Issue date: March

V Centenary of the Circumnavigation Voyage of Ferdinand Magellan – Conclusion 1522

This 7.5 euro face coin, the work of Luís Filipe de Abreu, is the fourth and last in the commemorative series of the first circumnavigation voyage, made exactly five centuries ago. This coin commemorates the conclusion of the epic, thus completing the collection. On both sides of this coin we see the ship Victoria, returning to port with badly damaged sails, and an armillary sphere, a symbol of advances in the art of navigation, to which Magellan contributed so much.

Issuance data

Issue volume: 50,000 silver 500 / 2,500 silver 925 / 2,000 gold 999
Issue date: May

7.5 euro coin – 111th Anniversary of the ISEG (Higher Institute of Economics and Management of Lisbon)

The image of this coin has not been released

Integrated into the University of Lisbon, the ISEG has its origin in the Higher Course of Commerce integrated in the Industrial and Commercial Institute of Lisbon since 1884, for which it can be considered the oldest higher school of economics in Portugal. This circumstance is especially relevant, since it reflects the change from the corporate and traditional model of business education to the modern school model, its history is intertwined with the country's own economic and social history.

Issuance data

Volume of issue: 30,000 silver 500 / 2,889 silver 925 / 111 silver 999 of 1 kg weight
Date of issue: May

5 euro coin – Dinosaurs of Portugal Series – Lourinhanosaurus antunesi

The discovery of this dinosaur turned out to be particularly interesting and unique since, in addition to the skeletons of three individuals, one of them quite complete, a nest with more than a hundred eggs was also found in 1993. Designed by scientific illustration expert Joana Bruno, this collector's coin features the eggs of Lourinhanosaurus Antunesi. On the obverse, we see the skeleton of an embryo, using the outline of the coin as if it were the shell of the egg; on the reverse, we see a newborn dinosaur looking around. (The silver version highlights the figure in the
foreground using a fluorescent pigment.)

Issuance data

Issue volume: 30,000 cupro-nickel / 3,000 925 silver
Issue date: June

2 euro commemorative coin – 35th Anniversary of the Erasmus Program

 To celebrate the success of the Erasmus Program the European Commission has decided to mint a common commemorative coin. This is a rare event, since, before this occasion, there were only four other issues common to all euro countries. As a reflection of the democratic spirit of the European Union, the design of this commemorative coin was chosen through a popular online vote, in 2021.

Issuance data

Issue volume: 512,000
Issue date: July

10 euro coin – Contemporary Urban Art Series – AKACORLEONE

 Almost all Portuguese people know works by AKACORLEONE. Whether in large murals, installations and sculptures around the city, or through reports and interviews in the media, this multidisciplinary artist has been leaving his mark on the Portuguese landscape and abroad for more than ten years, becoming one of the names most important national contemporary urban art.

Issuance data

Issue volume: 4,000 in 925 silver
Issue date: July

Gold coin Numismatic Treasures Series – Engenhoso de D. Sebastião

 Continuing with the “Numismatic Treasures” series, Casa da Moeda issues in 2022 a new version of the rare and coveted “Engenhoso de D. Sebastião” coin, minted for the first time during the reign of King Sebastian. Reinterpreted by the medalist Rui Vásquez, it is based on a copy from 1562.

For many centuries, Portugal had been struggling with the "cerceio" problem. This deception could go unnoticed, since the minting of the coins was not uniform. Thus, in 1553, João Gonçalves conceived a system that allowed gold to be melted and perfect coins to be made.

Issuance data

Issue volume: 2,500 in 999 gold
Issue date: September

5 euro coin – 20 Years of the Euro

The image of this coin has not been released

Most of us know where we were on January 1, 2002, when the euro replaced other national currencies in our daily lives. Although the euro began to circulate two decades ago, its history dates back to the end of the 1960s. The name "euro" was chosen in 1995, and the euro symbol was inspired by the Greek letter epsilon (ε) and the first letter of the word "Europe".

This commemorative coin, with a face value of 5 euros, was designed by the plastic artist José Aurélio and illustrates the different European communities that support the euro, as a strong currency, capable of competing with other currencies in the world market.
This single European currency reflects our economic coordination, but above all it reflects our common values ​​and goals. Proof of this is the resistance that the euro has shown in the face of various crises, and that it will undoubtedly continue to show for a long time.

Issuance data

Issue volume: 30,000 cupro-nickel / 3,000 925 silver
Issue date: October

5 euro coin – Portugal and the Orient Series – The Art of Porcelain

 This commemorative coin is the second in the "Portugal and Orient" series and extols the Portuguese taste for porcelain. Inspired by the floral motifs typical of Chinese and Portuguese porcelain, as well as his personal experiences in Macao, multifaceted artist André Carrilho challenged Casa da Moeda's technical team by creating a unique and innovative piece. With a face value of 5 euros, all the finishes of the coins will have a square hole in the center, a reference to the well-known Chinese Feng-Shui coins. Silver and gold coins will have some color notes.

Issuance data

Issue volume: 30,000 cupronickel / 3,000 925 silver / 2,000 999 gold
Issue date: November

5 euro coin – Childhood Games Series – Hoop Game

The commemorative coin «Aro y Gancho» (Arco e Gancheta) is the first in the series dedicated to Children's Games, which will make both children and adults remember happy days. Designed by award-winning designer and illustrator Henrique Cayatte, this silver coin features a representation of the toy in motion on the obverse and the names of various games that are part of the Portuguese cultural heritage on the reverse. To make this piece even more special, Casa da Moeda developed it together with the Higher Technical Institute, creating a rotating central element that evokes the hoop in motion.

Issuance data

Issue volume: 4,000 in 925 silver
Issue date: December

To finish, I leave you the original document from which the information has been taken, where you will find more details of each currency and some other issue in the portfolio, although all the different currencies have been reflected here.
Sursa informațiilor aici.

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