joi, 20 ianuarie 2022

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Italia - 20.01.2022

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If in Spain the judges Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino are very popular due to the very important role they played in their fight against the mafia, a battle that cost them their lives 30 years ago, in Italy they are two true icons of the fight against organized crime.

With their determination, their courage and their sacrifice, Falcone and Borsellino gave a great testimony, of love for their work, of fighting for truth and Justice, waging a ruthless battle against organized crime, an obstacle, on several levels, to the social and civil progress of a country.

On the thirtieth anniversary of their murders, the Italian Government, through the Rome Mint, in charge of minting the country's currency, has decided to issue a commemorative 2-euro coin intended for circulation, in recognition of the work and the values ​​that the two magistrates showed during their lives.

There will be a total of 3 million coins that will be put into circulation on May 17, at the same time it is planned to put up for sale coins with the same design but in superior qualities aimed at collectors (20,000 in Flor de Cuño and 10,000 in Proof quality).

As reported a few days ago by the Italian public television, Rai News, the coins are already being minted, accompanying this information with a beautiful report where you can see the entire process involved in the creation of a new coin, enriched with the comments of the designer of the same, Valerio De Seta, in which the magistrates are praised and congratulates that their image can be in the pockets of millions of European citizens where the single currency circulates.

The coin pays tribute to the anti-mafia judges, Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, 30 years after the Sicilian mafia murdered them in 1992, as a form of revenge by Cosa Nostra for the maxi-trial against several mafia bosses.

The national side of the coin represents the portrait of the two Italian magistrates Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino inspired by a photograph by Tony Gentile. At the top is the inscription “FALCONE – BORSELLINO”; then the dates “1992 – 2022”, which correspond to the year of the assassination of the magistrates and the year of issue of the coin and in which the sad anniversary is celebrated, between the dates the acronym of the Italian Republic is interspersed “ IR»; on the right is the letter “R” of the Rome Mint; on the left, «VdS», initials of the author, Valerio de Seta. The twelve stars of the European Union, as always in this type of coin, appear on the outer ring.

By clicking on the image you will access the video about the coin.

Interestingly, one of Judge Falcone's most famous and remembered phrases seemed to prophesy the issuance of this coin, "Men pass, ideas remain and continue to walk on the legs of other men." This piece with his image and that of his partner will tour Europe transmitting his ideas, as he would have liked.

2 euro commemorative coins 2022

2 euro commemorative coins from Italy

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