miercuri, 15 decembrie 2021

Noi monede comemorative din Rusia - 15.12.2021 - VIDEO

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A new numismatic issue has been made available to collectors by the Bank of Russia since last November 29. There are two 25-ruble coins in cupro-nickel that can be purchased in a normal or colored version and another with the same face but in silver minted in Proof quality with a different design.

These coins commemorate the centenary of the birth of Yuri Nikulin (1921-1997) , Soviet film actor and comedian and one of the icons of the cinema of the USSR in the 60s and 70s, interpreter in many well-known Soviet films and, since 1982 , general director of the Tsvetnoi Bulevar Circus. Nikulin continues to be remembered in Russia as one of the great comedians the country has known. His films have aged very well over time and are still very popular on Russian television networks. Nikulin's humor continues to be an influence on much of today's comedians.

A relief image of the portrait of Yury Nikulin is shown in the foreground on a background where the inscription appears in color, or not, depending on the coin, 'ЦИРК' (CIRCUS); At the bottom, there is an image of the signature and the years in which the actor lived in two lines: '1921' and '1997'.

The obverse, common to all coins, shows a relief image of the coat of arms of the Russian Federation, the inscription in a semicircle “РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ” (Russian Federation). Below the inscriptions in three lines: “БАНК РОССИИ” (Bank of Russia), the value of the coin “25 РУБЛЕЙ” (25 RUBLES), the year “2021” and the mint mark shown on the right.

 Characteristics of the coins

Alloy: Cupro-nickel Coin
diameter and weight: 27 mm / 10 g
Volume of issue: 850,000 uncolored and 150,000 colored

Silver coin

The coin features a raised image of Yury Nikulin surrounded by images of the actor: on the left, from movies and TV shows against the background of a stylized film strip; on the right, we see him in a performance at the circus; at the top, a raised image of the Tsvetnoi Boulevard Circus logo; at the bottom, the inscription in color "Юрий Никулин" (Yury Nikulin) and his years of life: "1921-1997".

The obverse has the same design as the other two.

Characteristics of the coins

Metal: 925 Silver
Coin diameter and weight: 60 mm / 169 g
Issue volume: 1,500 all in Proof quality

The Bank of Russia has also released a video in which we can see real coins of the three versions it has.

 Sursa: Youtube Utilizator: Банк России

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