sâmbătă, 9 octombrie 2021

Noi monede comemorative americane - 09.10.2021

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The American Women Quarters 25-cent coin program is a four-year program that will honor the achievements and contributions of women to the development and history of the United States. From 2022 through 2025, the US Mint will issue up to five new designs each year. The obverse of the coins will retain the George Washington image, but will be different from the design used during the previous quarters program (America the Beautiful Quarters).

These coins will showcase contributions in various fields including suffrage, civil rights, abolition, government, humanities, science, space, and the arts. The women honored will be of diverse ethnic, racial and geographic origins. That if they must comply with the Public Law that does not allow any living person to appear in the designs of the coins.

A few days ago the United States Mint has presented the first five designs that will be issued during 2022. The coins will recognize the achievements of Maya Angelou, Dr. Sally Ride, Wilma Mankiller, Nina Otero-Warren and Anna May Wong. The designs tell the stories of five extraordinary women whose contributions are indelibly etched in American culture.

Maya Angelou: celebrated writer, performer and social activist

 The design represents Maya Angelou with her arms raised. Behind her is a bird in flight and a rising sun, images inspired by her poetry and symbolizing her way of life. The inscriptions are "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA", "MAYA ANGELOU", "E PLURIBUS UNUM" and "QUARTER DOLLAR".

Sally Ride: physicist, astronaut and the first American woman to fly into space

 This design depicts Dr. Ride next to a space shuttle window, inspired by her quote: "But when I wasn't working, I was usually at a window looking at Earth." The inscription "E PLURIBUS UNUM" (Of many, one) is intentionally placed on Earth alongside America, indicating that of all the women in the United States, Dr. Ride was the first to reach space. Additional inscriptions are "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA", "QUARTER DOLLAR" and "DR. SALLY RIDE ».

Wilma Mankiller - First female elected Chief Chief of the Cherokee Nation and Native American and women's rights activist

 This design represents Wilma Mankiller with a determined look to the future. The wind is at her back and she is wrapped in a traditional shawl. To his left is the seven-pointed star of the Cherokee Nation. The inscriptions are: "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA," "E PLURIBUS UNUM," "QUARTER DOLLAR," "WILMA MANKILLER," "PRINCIPAL CHIEF," and "CHEROKEE NATION," which is written in the Cherokee syllabary.

Nina Otero-Warren: Leader in the New Mexico Suffrage Movement and First Superintendent of Santa Fe Public Schools

 The design features an image of Nina Otero-Warren on the left, flanked by three flowers of yucca, New Mexico's state flower. The inscriptions are: "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA", "QUARTER DOLLAR", "E PLUIBUS UNUM", "NINA OTERO-WARREN" and "VOTE FOR WOMEN".

Anna May Wong: Hollywood's first Chinese-American movie star, who left a legacy for women in the film industry

 This design features a close-up image of Anna May Wong with her head resting on her hand, surrounded by the bright lights of a marquee sign. The inscriptions are: "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA", "QUARTER DOLLAR", "E PLUIBUS UNUM" and "ANNA MAY WONG."

Front common to the entire series

 The obverse design of all coins in the American Women Quarters Program is the work of Laura Gardin Fraser, one of the most prolific sculptors of the early 20th century, whose works span the world of art and numismatics. The Fraser design depicts a portrait of George Washington, which was originally composed and sculpted as a candidate to commemorate George Washington's 200th anniversary. Although this design was recommended for the 1932 quarter dollar, the then Secretary of the Treasury eventually chose the well-known John Flannigan design. The inscriptions are "LIBERTY", "IN GOD WE TRUST" and "2022".

This is all I know for now about this new series. In future posts, once we know more details about the currencies, we will go into detail on each of them.
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