sâmbătă, 21 august 2021

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Slovacia - 21.08.2021

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In May 2021, the Slovak National Bank announced an anonymous public tender for the design of the 2022 national commemorative 2 euro coin alluding to the '300th anniversary of the construction of the first steam engine to pump water from mines in Slovakia".

The coin will commemorate 300 years since the construction and installation of the first steam engine installed on the continent to pump water from the mines, being installed in the Banská Štiavnica mines, located in Slovakia.

Eight designs by seven authors were submitted to the competition. The Commission for the Evaluation of Artistic Designs of Commemorative Coins and Collectible Coins evaluated them in July 2021. Their expert advisor in the evaluation process was Mr. Peter Kopernický, founder and member of the Board of Directors of the Novobanský Mining Association.

The committee of experts agreed to choose the design submitted by Peter Valach. Its design is based on a technical drawing by the machine's author, British engineer Isaac Potter, which captures a distinctive linear outline. The image represents the operation of the mechanism of the machine at all heights of a mine.

Finalist designs

 The other two finalist designs by Tomáš Tulis (left) and Richard Róbert Senček (right) were also displayed by the Bank of Slovakia. As you can see, all the selected designs are very similar.

The expected issue date is during the month of October 2022, the issue volume has not been announced.
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