joi, 26 august 2021

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Germania - 26.08.2021

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At the initiative of the European Commission, all the member states of the euro zone, who so wish, will issue on July 1, 2022 a commemorative 2-euro coin with the same motive, the "35th Anniversary of the Erasmus Program". Within this context, the German federal government has confirmed today, August 25, through a press release, the issuance of the aforementioned currency, of which it has provided a sketch with the national distinctive that appears within the design and the volume of issue with the one that will count.

The obverse motif (national side) was chosen as the winner among six motifs proposed by different Mint of the European Union, as a result of an Internet vote in accordance with the procedure recommended by the European Commission. Designed by Mr. Joaquín Jiménez, a French medalist who works for the Monnaie de Paris, it shows a mixture of two main elements of the Erasmus program: the original intellectual inspiration, Erasmus himself, and the allegory of his influence in Europe.

The first is symbolized by one of the most famous representations of Erasmus. The second is symbolized by a bundle of links that crosses the coin from one lighthouse to another, representing the numerous intellectual and human exchanges between European students.

As for Europe, some of these links form stars that result from synergies between countries. Figure 35, for the 35th anniversary, emerges from the stars in a contemporary graphic style.

The design of the coin differs in each state only in the arrangement and spelling of the country name or country code (letter D in the case of Germany), the national mint marks, and in some cases the spelling of the coin. issue.

The European side corresponds to the common value side of the 2 euro coin in circulation since 2007. It shows a map of Europe without national borders.

The edge of the German 2 euro commemorative coin contains the usual inscription of the regular 2 euro coin: 'EINIGKEIT UND RECHT UND FREIHEIT' (UNITY, JUSTICE AND FREEDOM), as well as a stylized federal eagle.

The circulation will amount to 20 million coins, divided among the five German mints.

Thanks for the information to colleague Rudolf (Numisfreund)

2 euro commemorative coins 2022

2 euro commemorative coins from Germany


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