sâmbătă, 17 iulie 2021

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Vatican - 17.07.2021

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The sketch with the image that will present the second commemorative 2-euro coin that the Vatican will issue in 2021 has been unveiled. The coin is dedicated to the "VII Centenary of the death of Dante Alighieri." As usual, this coin can be purchased in two qualities, BU and Proof. 

Original image of the coin: Gerhard Schön

The coin, the work of the artist Patrizio Daniele, represents in the foreground the image of Dante Alighieri's face taken from one of the statues dedicated to the great poet and writer. In the background is the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence where in its museum is the death mask of Dante.

Dante Alighieri was a lover of Florence but, for supporting the wrong side of power at the time of a change of government, he was banished from returning to his beloved city. When Dante died, in Ravenna, on September 4, 1321, they were still forbidden to enter Florence and therefore they buried him there. However, as a tribute from his supporters the death mask was brought to the Palazzo Vecchio, where it can be visited.

Regarding the date or volume of issuance, we do not know exactly when it will be and in what quantity, although we can guess that it could be issued during the month of October and its volume of issuance will be around 100,000 pieces, among the different presentations in which it is issued. the coin.

2 euro commemorative coins 2021

2 euro commemorative Vatican coins


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