joi, 13 mai 2021

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Niue - 13.05.2021

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Thanks to this formidable series of coins we are reviewing the twelve works that Hercules had to carry out, entrusted by King Eurystheus, as a form of penance. The coin that I present to you today is the fifth in the series The Twelve Labors of Hercules and in this the protagonist was entrusted with another job that seemed difficult to accomplish, Cleaning the Augean stables in a single day, stables that housed a multitude of cattle and that had never been cleaned for dozens of years, accumulating mountains of excrement and dirt.

The coin composed of two ounces of pure silver, a gold plating and an antique finish, like all those issued in the series, is an authentic work of art, it has some high relief engravings that make the scene depicted copper. own life.

The reverse of the coin shows the portentous image of Hercules in the task of cleaning the Augean stables, with the detail of a golden column in his hands before being thrown. At the top is the inscription: " AUGEAN STABLES ", as the name of the coin.

Nobody trusted that Hercules would be able to complete this work in a single day, since not even his enormous strength could serve him, but what he did was also demonstrate his cunning by diverting the course of the Alfeo and Peneo rivers, taking them through out of the stables by a canal he had dug himself. The rivers washed away all the dirt and Hercules, to everyone's surprise, completed his fifth job.

This image of the coin is taken from a perspective that shows its very high relief.

The common side of all the coins in the series shows in the center the image of Queen Elizabeth II, surrounded by twelve symbols representing the twelve works of Hercules, in which the corresponding coin is highlighted in gold.

The coin will be presented in a beautiful wooden box with a colorful graphic dust jacket and has a numbered Certificate of Authenticity issued by the Polish Mint.

Technical characteristics of the currency and its issuance
Country Niue
Year 2021
Face Value 5 dollars
Metal Silver
Fineness 999
Weight 62.2 g (2 oz)
Diameter 45 mm
Quality Antique finish
Shot 500 units
Certificate of authenticity Yes
Presentation Case

As can be assumed, this series consists of 12 coins, which were entrusted to Hercules.
1st. Kill the Nemean Lion
2nd. Kill Lerna's Hydra
3rd. Capture the Cerinea doe
4th. Capture the Wild Boar of Erymanthus Alive
5th. Cleaning the Augean stables
6th. Drive out the Stymphalian birds
7th. Tame the Cretan Bull
8th. Steal the mares of Diomedes
9th. Steal Hippolyta's Belt
10th. Steal Geryon's cattle
11th. Steal the golden apples from the Garden of the Hesperides
12th. Kidnap the dog from the underworld, Cerberus, and show him to his brother king

Before the coin that I have presented to you today, the first four were issued, of which I leave you a picture.

As you can see, they are all spectacular coins, together they will form an enviable collection.

If your intention, in addition to collecting, is also to invest in coins, a series like this is ideal, since it unites pieces that are authentic works of art with very limited editions, which ensures a significant revaluation. As an example, the first of the series, issued in 2018, triples its issue price.

If you want to buy any of these coins or similar ones, you can do it here . In any case, it is an almost obligatory visit due to the large number of new coins that are added to the store almost daily, most of them exceptional pieces. 
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