vineri, 21 mai 2021

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Lituania - 21.05.2021

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Yesterday, May 19, the Central Bank of Lithuania put into circulation the 2-euro commemorative coin dedicated to the Žuvintas Biosphere Reserve, included in the UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves (Program Man and the Biosphere of the UNESCO). The issue volume of this coin is 500,000 pieces, of which 5,000 in Bu quality are presented in a coincard, the rest is being distributed in the classic rolls of 25 coins.

«This is the fourth commemorative 2 euro coin dedicated to the natural and cultural heritage of Lithuania included in the UNESCO list. The Lithuanian Bittern or the Žuvintas Warbler can end up in the wallet of any European, thus encouraging them to discover our country. We plan to commemorate more Lithuanian natural heritage objects included in UNESCO programs in the future, ”said Asta Kuniyoshi, Vice President of the Bank of Lithuania Council. The Bank of Lithuania has already issued 2 euro commemorative coins dedicated to cultural objects included in various UNESCO Programs: the Hill of Crosses, Lithuanian songs for various voices ('Sutartinės') and the Lithuanian Song Festival.

The motif represents the characteristic environment of the Žuvintas biosphere reserve, which belongs to the world network of biosphere reserves of the UNESCO Program on Man and the Biosphere. These are remote islands of a unique lake full of birds and the largest wetland in Lithuania with its distinctive animals.
In the foreground you can see a large bittern that is going to catch a red toad in the water. Among the reeds pictured on the right are a browed warbler and, above, a flock of common cranes and a common swan, all of which symbolize the creation of the reserve.
The motif is surrounded by the inscriptions LIETUVA (LITHUANIA), ŽUVINTAS, UNESCO, the year of issue (2021) and the mint mark of the Lithuanian Mint. The coin has been designed by Eglė Ratkutė and Ernestas Žemaitis.

The edge of the coin, like all those issued by Lithuania in this value, has the legends: LAISVĖ * VIENYBĖ * GEROVĖ * (FREEDOM * UNITY * WELFARE *).

The Žuvintas Biosphere Reserve is home to more than 4,200 species of animals, plants and fungi, and researchers continue to discover new ones every year. It is one of the richest places in biodiversity in Lithuania. Up to 137 species of animals, plants and mushrooms from the List of Protected Species of the Republic of Lithuania have been found here. One of the rarest songbirds in Europe, the browed warbler, lives in the wet meadows at the edge of the marsh. Lithuania is one of four countries where this endangered bird still breeds.

The second 2 euro commemorative coin Lithuania 2021

 The second commemorative 2 euro coin to be issued by Lithuania in 2021 will be the third coin in the series of five, called "Lithuanian Ethnographic Regions", featuring the "Dzūkija Region". Its issuance is announced during the third quarter of 2021, the circulation will also be 500,000 and 5,000 will also be presented in BU quality on a coincard.
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