vineri, 19 martie 2021

Programul numismatic al Portugaliei pentru anul 2021 - 19.03.2021

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We already have the Numismatic Program of Portugal for 2021. In total there are nine different currencies that the Portuguese INCM has prepared for us for this year. I am going to present them one by one and at the end I will leave you the document with all the details.

Coins of Portugal 2021

2 Commemorative Euro

Portuguese Presidency of the European Union

This commemorative coin signals the privilege and seriousness inherent in the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2021. Through its design, which represents the connections between Lisbon and the other capitals of the EU, it also reminds all Europeans that we are connected, and it is from this union that our strength is derived.

Issuance data

Issue volume: 510,000 Issue
date: January 4

Portuguese participation in the Olympic Games

The Olympic Games are the most exciting multisport competition in the world, and the 2020 Games will be especially etched in our collective memory. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 33rd Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan, had to be postponed to this year, an unprecedented measure. Keeping the name of the year, the event will take place from July 23 to August 8, 2021, with the participation of the Portuguese delegation, once again.

Issuance data

Issue volume: 510,000
Issue date: May

2.5 euro coin in gold

Numismatic Treasures - Coat of Arms of Santo Tomé

The 'Numismatic Treasures' series recreates rare national coins using today's most advanced technology. In 2021, the INCM issues the collectible coin «Escudo de Santo Tomé», based on a copy belonging to the Casa da Moeda. This gold coin, first minted in India during the reign of King João III (1521-1557), is a true historical document and represents the recognition of the Renaissance style.

Issuance data

Volume of issue: 2,500
Date of issue: May

5 euro coins

Endangered Animal Species Series - Seahorse

An enigmatic creature Seahorses are very different from all other fish: they swim upright, spend most of their time still, and move slowly. There are around 50 different species around the world and in Portugal we can find two types: the Hippocampus guttulatus (long-nosed seahorse) and the hippocampus (short-nosed seahorse), mostly in the lagoons of the Ria Formosa . They measure between 12 and 15 centimeters. These enigmatic creatures are worth getting to know better. The silver version of this coin has some colored details.

Issuance data

Issue volume: 25,000 cupro-nickel / 2,000 silver
Issue date: June

Aristides de Sousa Mendes

Example of courage

This coin is a tribute from the Portuguese Republic to this inspiring
man. The coin is also dedicated to the victims of the Holocaust, all those who were saved, and the heroes who helped them. On the obverse, the determined gaze of Arístides de Sousa Mendes invites us to follow his example of courage. On the reverse, the five values ​​that guided him in his actions are framed by a V for victory, prompting us to never forget the horrors of the past.

Issuance data

Issue volume: 25,000 cupro-nickel / 2,500 silver / 1,500 gold
Issue date: July

Dinosaurs of Portugal series - Dinheirosaurus lourinhanensis

Dinheirosaurus lourinhanensis was a dinosaur that existed in Portuguese territory in the Upper Jurassic. On the obverse of this coin, we see the articulated vertebrae of Dinheirosaurus lourinhanensis, a trail of footprints and the silhouette of a dinosaur
walking away, referring to an idea from the past; on the reverse, the gigantic sauropod appears in a large plane, integrated into its natural environment, as if it were very present. After all, in its own way, it continues to be. The silver version is colored.

Issuance data

Issue volume: 25,000 cupro-nickel / 2,000 silver
Issue date: September

Portugal and the East Series - The Art of Lacquerware (Portugal and Japan) 

A mix of cultures

In 1543, three Portuguese arrived on the island of Tanegashima, becoming the first Europeans to reach the land of the rising sun. From the beginning, Portugal
and Japan influenced each other in various fields: from the most technical to the most artistic, and they maintained intense commercial relations. One of the most sought after Japanese products were the famous lacquerware (urushi), created by master craftsmen who used a technique as complex as it was ancient. The silver version of this coin has some color details.

Issuance data

Issue volume: 25,000 cupro-nickel / 2,500 silver / 2,000 gold
Issue date: October

10 euro coin in silver

Contemporary Urban Art Series- Vhils

A global work

Vhils is synonymous with urban art. As soon as we hear the name of this artist, we think of his large-scale portraits on the walls of countless cities, from Lisbon to Rio de
Janeiro to Hong Kong. Today, his multifaceted work goes far beyond these iconic works of art. As Vhils' name and work spread around the world, it is also a bit of Portugal that goes the furthest.

Issuance data

Issue volume: 4,000 in 925 silver in Proof quality
Issue date: November

7.5 euro coin

V Centenary of the Circumnavigation Journey of Fernando de Magallanes - Mactan 1521

The price of boldness

It was on the island of Mactan, in the Philippines, where Ferdinand Magellan lived his last moments, paying a high price for his audacity. However, the death of the navigator did not end his epic undertaking, which was completed in 1522 by Juan Sebastián Elcano. In 2022, the INCM will issue the fourth and last commemorative coin in this series
dedicated to the last stage of the circumnavigation.

Issuance data

Volume of issue: 50,000 silver of 500 / 2,500 silver of 925 / 2,000 Gold Date of issue: April

To finish I leave you the original document from which the information has been taken, where you will find more details of each currency and of some other issuance in the portfolio, although all the different currencies have been reflected here.
Sursa informațiilor aici.

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