luni, 1 martie 2021

Concurs pentru alegerea unei noi monede comemorative europene - 01.03.2021

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As we announced from here in July 2019, in 2022 we will have a common commemorative 2 euro coin for the «35th Anniversary of the Erasmus Program». In its day, the European Commission invited the various Eurozone Mint Houses to send them their designs for this coin. A jury after examining all the received sketches has selected the 6 finalist designs so that we can vote for the one we like the most. The deadline to vote ends at midnight on March 31.

Designs and descriptions

Design # 1

Designer's Description:

The overlapping silhouettes of the heads of young people looking in different directions contain numbers and letters scattered throughout the coin that spells “ERASMUS PROGRAM 1987-2022”.

The design is reminiscent of a map and symbolically represents the international European exchange of students and apprentices and the network of educational centers and training places.

Design No. 2

Designer's Description:

The Erasmus program offers all participants, such as students, teachers and organizations, the opportunity to acquire a unique experience.

On the one hand, the acquisition of knowledge, represented by a book as a sign of education and training.

Erasmus is a European program, but it is spread not only in Europe through the program countries, but all over the world through partner countries.

Erasmus mobility offers exceptional opportunities. This is symbolized in the design by the arrows on the globe, which represent the many ways in which exchanges can take place: physical, educational and cultural exchanges ...

There are also people in the world who make the link with learning, travel, sports and friendship, all of which are covered in the program.

Design nº3

 Designer's Description:

The design represents how the Erasmus program, during these 35 years, provided a great opportunity for all citizens to challenge themselves. The design illustrates youth and the desire to get involved in a new adventure. The route is the path of personal growth, represented by different symbols: sport, education, travel, independence, freedom, equality and job opportunity; values ​​that this program always embraced. Erasmus is a comprehensive experience that wants to lead to a higher level of empathy and inclusion to make democracy more efficient every day.

Design nº4

 Designer's Description:

The design shows the bond between the young people, their arms extended around each other's shoulders and the word Erasmus, like an umbrella over them. In the artist's opinion, this is what the Erasmus program is all about.

Under its umbrella, Erasmus offers young university students from all European countries the opportunity to immerse themselves in an academic and cultural environment different from their own, and to broaden their minds and horizons by getting to know other countries, other cultures and other students just like themselves.

Our old continent has a vibrant youth, on which it bases its hopes of becoming an inclusive and diverse place to live and work, free from stereotypes, where all people can forge bonds of friendship and prosper in peace, equality and democracy.

Design No. 5

Designer's Description:

This design is a tribute to connections. He hopes to realize the union in diversity and global growth that the Erasmus program has led to.

The small circles symbolize the countries and the schools, but above all the communities that embrace the emissaries of new ideas and hopes that are young people and students. The elliptical curves represent the exchanges, communication and proximity contact for which the information age, which has shortened time and space, has not found a substitute.

Design nº6

Designer's Description:

This design is a blend of two main elements of the Erasmus program: the original intellectual inspiration, Erasmus himself, and the allegory of his influence in Europe.

The first is symbolized by one of the best known representations of Erasmus.

The second is symbolized by a bundle of links that crosses the coin from one lighthouse to another, representing the numerous intellectual and human exchanges between European students.

As a reference to Europe, some of these links form other stars, born from the synergy between the countries.

Figure 35, for the 35th anniversary, emerges from the stars in a contemporary graphic style.

Now that you know the designs I leave you the link so you can vote. If you want, you can comment here what you think of the designs and who you are going to vote for. 
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