vineri, 5 februarie 2021

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Malta - 05.02.2021

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The Central Bank of Malta has released its complete numismatic program for this 2021, with which we can confirm the worst expectations regarding its two commemorative 2-euro coins. These will have the lowest issue volumes of all the coins of this type that have been issued, even one of them will only be available on a coincard with a circulation of only 60,000 pieces.

The first 2-euro commemorative coin of this 2021 under the name "Heroes of the Pandemic" will be issued during the month of June. The 60,000 pieces will be presented in a coincard, this will be the only option to get it. All will feature the Monnaie de Paris mint mark.

Not satisfied with the low circulation of this coin and to make it even more difficult for the collector to obtain it, this coincard comes at a price of 15 euros, when for example the other 2-euro commemorative issue that they issue comes out in its coincard version at 8 euros . In any case, the final price at which we can acquire it will be much higher, all the coins are already sold to merchants who then depending on the demand will set the sale prices.

Within the series "Prehistoric Temples of Malta", this year the commemorative 2 euro coin is dedicated to the "Temples of Tarxien", this being the penultimate coin in the series which is made up of seven pieces, the same number as megalithic temples are located in Malta.

Its emission, scheduled for October, will have a circulation of 170,000 pieces, 150,000 will be issued in rolls of 25 coins and 20,000, with the Monnaie de Paris mint mark, will be presented on a coincard.

For you to know the rest of Malta's currency issues in 2021 I leave you a link to the PDF with the entire program here.

2 euro commemorative coins 2021

Malta 2 euro commemorative coins


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