duminică, 24 ianuarie 2021

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Franța - 24.01.2021

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The design that will present the French commemorative 2-euro coin for this 2021 for the "75 years of the founding of UNICEF" has been unveiled, which in principle, although with this pandemic everything can vary a lot, it would be issued on March 16 , with an issue volume of 7,500,000 pieces.

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is an agency that has carried out its great humanitarian work since December 1946, defending the rights, well-being and provision of humanitarian aid to all children and mothers who are in developing countries. UNICEF carries out its work in more than 190 countries and territories through country programs and National Committees.

Remind you that the second 2 euro commemorative coin of France in this 2021 is dedicated to the "Paris 2024 Summer Olympics", this will be the first of a series of four that will be issued between 2021 and 2024.

2 euro commemorative coins from France

2 euro commemorative coins 2021


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