duminică, 10 ianuarie 2021

Noi monede comemorative din Peru - 10.01.2021 - VIDEO

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In the framework of the commemoration of the Bicentennial of the Independence of Peru, a numismatic series of three coins is issued called "Women in the Process of Independence of Peru", which is intended to pay tribute and spread the image and history of women who They fought in various ways and even gave their lives to achieve the Independence of Peru.

These three new coins are allusive to the Heroines Toledo, María Parado de Bellido and Brígida Silva de Ochoa. These coins are legal tender and will circulate simultaneously with the current 1 sol coins.



Cleofé Ramos and her daughters María and Higinia Toledo, recognized as the Toledo Heroines, were three women who, with the courage and courage typical of love of the country, managed to stop the realistic persecution of patriotic troops at the beginning of 1821, cutting the moorings of the suspension bridge over the Mantaro River in the midst of enemy fire with a speed that still surprises today. Due to the leadership and courage shown, General José de San Martín recognized the three heroines with the Medal of Victors.


Brígida Silva de Ochoa was a brave patriot who exercised contact between the insurgents and even risking her life, helped the escape of the parish priest of Sica, José Medina, after the rebel defeat in Upper Peru, for which her youngest son José Ochoa he was taken to prison. For her services to the cause, which also included
economic and moral support for patriotic prisoners, Brígida was described as a forger of public opinion, pure patriotism and deep hatred of rania, being declared by General San Martín as « Daughter of the Homeland »for her virtues and commitment to independence.


 María Parado de Bellido was an Ayacucho woman, daughter of a Creole and an indigenous woman, who embraced the independence project with conviction. He was a spy for the montoneras of the central highlands and thanks to his information the patriots were able to anticipate the enemy movement. She is considered a Martyr of Independence, she was shot by the Spaniards for refusing to give information about the activities of the independence group, her phrase before death was recorded throughout the population «I am not here to inform you, but to sacrifice myself for the cause of freedom. The legacy that is erected after her sacrifice for the country makes her a symbol of courage, resistance and loyalty to the ideals that forged the republic.

Reverse description

On the three coins, on the right side, a geometric design of vertical lines and the mark of the National Mint can be seen. On the left side the phrase BICENTENARIO 1821-2021 , the denomination in number and the name of the monetary unit. Next to the denomination the isotype of the Bicentennial can be seen, as a symbol of the series.

On the obverse, in the central part, you can see the Coat of Arms of Peru surrounded by the legend "BANCO CENTRAL DE RESERVA DEL PERÚ", the year of minting "2020" and an inscribed polygon with eight sides that forms the filet of the coin.

Characteristics of the coin

Denomination: 1 sol
Alloy: Alpaca
Weight: 7.32 g
Diameter: 25.50 mm Edge
: Striated
Year of minting: 2020
Volume of issue: 10 million of each

 Sursa: Youtube Utilizator: Banco Central de Reserva del Perú

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