duminică, 6 decembrie 2020

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Vatican - 06.12.2020

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The Vatican City Philatelic and Numismatic Office announces the issuance for next December 10 of the philatelic-numismatic case, popularly known as Busta, which contains the commemorative 2-euro coin and the stamps with a special stamp dedicated to the «V Centenary of the death of Rafael Sanzio ». An exclusive philatelic card with the reproduction of the stamp is inserted in the case; the emblem of the Office made in full relief, enriches this prestigious and refined product.

To celebrate the genius of Urbino, as Rafael Sanzio is known, on the five hundredth anniversary of his death, the artist Daniela Longo designed a commemorative 2-euro coin that reproduces and interprets the nostalgia for the beauty of Rafael's gaze, in the self-portrait present in the fresco "The School of Athens" and in the attitude of the two unforgettable angels that Urbino's depicted and inserted at the base of the Sistine Virgin. " "Make room for the great Raphael", these were the words with which Frederick Augustus III welcomed "The Sistine Madonna" in Dresden in 1757 and where it is still preserved today in the Gemälderie Alte Maister, considered one of the most beautiful works ever made. by the brilliant Italian Renaissance painter.

Above the angels appear the years of commemoration «1520» and «2020», while below the legend of the issuing country «CITTA 'DEL VATICANO», the Italian mint mark in Rome «R», as well as named after the designer Daniela Longo. At the top, adjusted to the outer edge of the core of the coin, the commemorative legend "RAFFAELLO SANZIO" appears.


Dimensions: 175 x 125 mm
Type of printing: offset
Maximum printing : 3,500 numbered copies

Facial values: € 1.10 - € 1.15
Format: 40 x 30 mm - 30 mm x 40 mm
Printer: Cartor (France)

Face value: 2 Euro
Version: Flor de Cuño
Sculptor: Daniela Longo
Engraver: Silvia Petrassi
Mintage: IPZS (Italy)
Price of the set: 46 € 
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