vineri, 25 decembrie 2020

Noi monede comemorative din Kazahstan - 25.12.2020

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Kazakhstan 100 tenge 2020 - Treasures of the steppe
Seven new bimetallic circulation commemoratives:

"Treasures of the steppe"

The whole complete set has 7 coins in total:

"ER JIGIT" (Brave warrior)
"SULÝ ÁIEL" (Beautiful wife)
"QUMAI TAZY" (Loyal dog)
"AQYL BILIM" (Comprehensive knowledge)
"JÚIRIK AT" (Swift steed)
"QYRAN BÚRKIT" (Hunting golden eagle)

An ancient legend says that a real Kazakh man had seven main treasures: courage, an intelligent and beautiful wife, a devoted dog, all-round knowledge, a good gun, a fast-footed horse and a hunting golden eagle.
It was believed that an intelligent wife would protect the family hearth, a faithful dog would help in hunting, a good gun would not let you down in battle, a fast-footed horse and a hunting golden eagle would help out at a crucial moment, and comprehensive knowledge would help to make wise decisions.

(image from eBay seller vasid2009)
(information from Egon Conti and Wolfgang Schuster)

LINK: National Bank of Kazakhstan


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