marți, 1 decembrie 2020

Noi bancnote comemorative din Thailanda - 01.12.2020

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Thailand new 1,000-baht commemorative note (B199a) reported for introduction on 12.12.2020

According to a press release dated 27 November 2020, the Bank of Thailand planned to introduce 100- and 1,000-baht notes to commemorate the Royal Coronation Ceremony of 2019.

Details about 100-baht note.
Details about 1,000-baht note.


Thailand new 100-baht commemorative note (B198a) reported for introduction on 12.12.2020

According to a press release dated 27 November 2020, the Bank of Thailand planned to introduce 100- and 1,000-baht notes to commemorate the Royal Coronation Ceremony of 2019.

Details about 100-baht note.
Details about 1,000-baht note.


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