duminică, 20 decembrie 2020

Despre noua familie de bancnote de circulație din Qatar - 20.12.2020

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1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 200 și 500 riyal Qatar 

Qatar new banknote family (B219a – B225a) reportedly introduced on 18.12.2020

On 13 December 2020, the Central Bank of Qatar unveiled its fifth series of banknotes, including a 200-riyal denomination for the first time. A total of 8 billion riyals’ worth of notes began entering circulation on 18 December 2020, on the occasion of Qatar National Day. The designs on the fronts of the new banknotes share a common theme based on traditional geometric patterns, the State of Qatar flag, Qatari flora (Dreama), and a gate representing historical Qatari architecture. Preceding issues will circulate in parallel until 19 March 2021, at which point they lose their legal tender status and may be redeemed only at banks for a period not to exceed 10 years.



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