duminică, 15 noiembrie 2020

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Slovenia - 15.11.2020

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We are going to know the design that will present the commemorative 2 euro coin that Slovenia will issue in 2021, dedicated to the "Bicentennial of the first Museum of Slovenia", a coin that continues with the custom of having come out of a design contest organized by the Bank of Slovenia , to which 31 projects were submitted. We will see the winning design that will be struck on the coin and the other two finalists, all of them, in my opinion, leave a lot to be desired.

Winning design to be struck on the coin by Lana Semečnik

Design that has been in second position by Andrej Žerovnik

Design ranked third by Mojca Mlinar and Dominik Košak

The three finalists will receive a cash prize of 3,000, 1,500 or 1,000 euros depending on the position in which they have been.

For now we do not know the volume or the date of issue. Based on previous years the run could be 1 million pieces.
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