duminică, 22 noiembrie 2020

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Finlanda - 22.11.2020

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I can already confirm that the second 2 euro commemorative coin of Finland of this 2020 dedicated to the «Centenary of the birth of Väinö Linna» has been issued, not only those distributed by the Finnish company Nordic Moneta, which intends to monopolize the coin issues of the The country has also started with the distribution of the rolls of 25 coins in the country's banks.

The issue volume for this coin is 800,000 units, of which 7,000 have been issued in Proof quality. Despite what Nordic Moneta claims , the price of this coin, like the previous one of this type issued by Finland, is becoming more and more reasonable, mainly due to the fact that many people obtain them in banks and then sell them, which which means that there is much more supply of uncirculated currency.

The coin, designed by Petri Neuvonen, commemorates the prominent Finnish writer Väinö Linna. This year marks one hundred years since her birth in 1920. The motif symbolizes the time that Linna worked in a textile factory and shows, in addition to her face, warp-like letters from her books. The inscription 'VÄINÖ LINNA' appears on the left side. At the bottom you can see the inscriptions of the year of issue "2020" and the issuing country "FI" and the mint mark. The twelve stars of the European flag appear on the circular crown of the coin.

Presentation of the coin in Proof quality

The selling price in Finland for this version is around 25 euros.
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