marți, 6 octombrie 2020

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Vatican - 06.10.2020

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I have just received from the Ufficio Filatelico e Numismatico Vaticano information about the issuance of the second 2 euro commemorative Vatican coin in 2020 dedicated to the "V Centenary of the death of Rafael Sanzio", of which we will know the date on the that is emitted and the different presentations together with their emission volumes.

The announced issue date is October 16, and it is on sale in two qualities, FDC and Proof, at a price for subscribers of 18 and 37 euros respectively, plus the subsequent shipping costs.

To celebrate the genius of Urbino, as Rafael Sanzio is known, on the five hundredth anniversary of his death, the artist Daniela Longo has designed a commemorative 2 euro coin that reproduces and interprets the nostalgia for the beauty of Rafael's gaze, the self-portrait present in the fresco "The School of Athens" and in the attitude of the two unforgettable angels that Urbino's depicted and inserted at the base of the Sistine Virgin. " "Make room for the great Raphael", these were the words with which Frederick Augustus III welcomed "The Sistine Madonna" in Dresden in 1757 and where it is still preserved today in the Gemälderie Alte Maister, considered one of the most beautiful works ever made. by the brilliant Italian Renaissance painter.

Above the angels appear the years of commemoration «1520» and «2020», while below the legend of the issuing country «CITTA 'DEL VATICANO», the Italian mint mark in Rome «R», as well as named after the designer Daniela Longo. At the top, adjusted to the outer edge of the core of the coin, there is the commemorative legend "RAFFAELLO SANZIO".

Issuance data sheet

Nominal value: 2 Euro
Diameter: 25.75 mm
Legal Weight: 8.50 g
Escultora: Daniela Longo
Recorder: Silvia Petrassi
Circulation: 67,000 (FDC) 9,000 (Proof)
Mintage: IPZS (Italy)
Price: 18 € (BU) 37 € (Proof)

To complete the full issue of the coin, the so-called Busta (philatelic-numismatic set that includes one of these coins in BU quality) will be issued later . The product will be offered to philatelic subscribers. So at the moment we don't know the final issue volume.

Subscribers will start receiving order forms in a few days. Comment, for those who do not know, that to be able to buy in the Vatican you must be a subscriber. They have a waiting list, but you can write to them regularly until you get it to the following email:
Sursa informațiilor aici.

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