marți, 18 august 2020

Noi monede comemorative din Rusia - 18.08.2020

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The Bank of Russia has issued no less than six coins, at one time, dedicated to the Polar Wolf, all of them belonging to the "Protect Our World" series. These are collector's coins minted in precious metals, gold and silver, with facials ranging from 3 to 10,000 rubles, all with very limited editions.

The polar wolf is one of the largest subspecies of the wolf. Lives in the Arctic and on the tundra. The polar wolf is well adapted to life in conditions of low temperatures, high winds, and long periods without sunlight. As these territories are not suitable for human life, they are not in danger of extinction.

The polar wolf has a light coat color, almost white in winter, thick fur, pointed ears, long and large legs. Life expectancy in its natural environment is 5-6 years.

  The base of the pack is the male leader and the female leader, the other members being their last and penultimate offspring. Sometimes the herd includes older members of the family and others who have not found a mate. Within the pack, the social hierarchy is strict: what is permissible for wolves occupying a high position in the pack is absolutely unacceptable for the other members. Being in a lower hierarchical level, wolves implicitly obey the authority of the leaders, for example, by dividing the spoils. There are almost no bloody confrontations between members of the same pack.


Interaction within the herd occurs through complex language consisting of body movements, barks, growls, and howls. Howling wolves warn other packs of their presence in the area.

The polar wolf feeds on lemmings, polar hares, as well as larger prey, without which the herd could not survive: reindeer and muskoxen. The latter are extremely difficult to capture due to their defense, so although wolves are very hardy and patient and can track prey for a long time, hunting is often unsuccessful. The herd may have to go without food for several days.

The mating period for wolves runs from January to March. A pregnant she-wolf leaves the pack in search of a den to give birth to the young and cares for them until they acquire hunting skills. All adult wolves are sensitive to cubs.

In autumn and winter, polar wolves migrate south following herds of musk oxen and deer. By then, the young have gained enough strength and experience to become full members of the pack and migrate with the adults.

In the image we see the obverse of the six coins in the order that I have shown you the reverse. In it you can see, apart from the national coat of arms of Russia, the facials, metals and purity, or weight.

As I said at the beginning, they are coins with very limited editions and sometimes prohibitive prices. For example, the one for 10,000 gold rubles has a circulation of 50 pieces. The one with the highest issue volume is silver at 3 rubles, which is 5,000. Although most of us could not acquire these coins, we can at least enjoy admiring them.


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