luni, 8 iunie 2020

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Estonia - 08.06.2020

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I do not know if it is that animals are one of my weaknesses, or that the commemorative 2 euro coin that Estonia is preparing for 2021 is really one of the most beautiful that I have seen in recent times. As I announced last March, one of the two commemorative 2 euro coins that Estonia will issue in 2021 will have as its theme "The Wolf, Estonian national animal" and the first image that the Bank of Estonia has shown seems spectacular to me.

The design by Maria Meos has come out of a public competition called by the Bank of Estonia. This one depicts a wolf howling on a rock. As the wolf lives in forest areas, the background of the design represents a characteristic Estonian fir forest. Also, a starry night sky is shown in the background, when the wolf is most likely to be heard.

As for the author of the winning work, Maria Meos, she is a designer who lives in Tallinn. She currently studies graphic design at the Estonian Academy of Arts and previously worked as a fashion designer.

A total of 60 works were received for the design competition for this coin. Second place was for a job received from Italy by Sandra Deiana and third place was for a job by Riho Luuse.

The coin will go into circulation in the spring of 2021, with an issue volume to be determined.

Denomination of the wolf as Estonian national animal came only very recently, April 2018, when it was 'chosen' by various local organizations, such as the Estonian Nature Society, the Estonian Natural History Museum and the Tallinn Zoo .

The people who made the decision argued it in a statement recognizing the wolf as a symbol of wild and intact nature. "Our swamps and forest beds are sometimes also intentionally called 'wolflands.' There is probably no other animal in this region that has influenced as much the local language and culture as the wolf. ”

Nature experts said that, as an expert predator, the wolf has also kept the number of herbivores under control and has thus indirectly shaped the region's forest landscapes. "The wolf has been the ruler of our swamps and forests for hundreds and thousands of years," they noted. The wolf is also charismatic. All these qualities are the reasons why the wolf is suitable to symbolize Estonia and Estonians as their national animal.

There are currently around 200 wolves in Estonia, divided between 20-25 packs. Wolves are distributed almost evenly across the country, but they live mainly in large wilderness areas.

Thanks to colleague Paul (Euromunter) for notifying me of this news.

2 euro commemorative coins 2021

Estonian commemorative 2 euro coins

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