marți, 26 mai 2020

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Andora - 26.05.2020

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The Andorran Ministry of Finance together with the Servei d´Emissions of the Principality have issued a statement among currency distributors throughout Europe to announce the currency issues for this year 2020 and, at the same time, inform them that the dates that were handled initially for the emission of the different products they have been delayed to a date still to be determined due to the crisis caused by Covid-19.

Thanks to the aforementioned statement, to which I have had access, we have some information that we lacked to know, although everything that I have been advancing here on the reason for the two commemorative 2-euro coins, of which we have already confirmed, is confirmed. We know the exact emission volume for each of them and the qualities in which they will be emitted.

I remind you that the first to be broadcast will be dedicated to the "XXVII Ibero-American Summit Andorra 2020", an event scheduled for November 26 and that the Minister of Foreign Affairs reported a few days ago that the summit will not be held on the day scheduled with the presence in the Principality of the different leaders. At the end of June, it will be decided whether the meeting of Ibero-American heads of state and government will take place virtually on November 26 or if it will be postponed until spring 2021 to be carried out in person.

Regarding the currency itself, it will have an issue volume of 73,500 units, of which 70,000 will be in BU quality and 3,500 in Proof quality.

The second commemorative 2-euro coin dedicated to the "50 years of the Universal Women's Suffrage" will have a significantly smaller print run, 60,000 pieces, all of them in BU quality.

Finally we have the Euroset of Andorra 2020 in BU quality, made up of the eight circulation coins, from 1 cent to 2 euros, with the current year stamp date. The circulation will be limited to a maximum of 12,000 wallets.

When the dates of issuance of the Andorran commemorative 2 euro coins are known, they will be included in the corresponding tables, to which I leave their corresponding links.

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