vineri, 3 aprilie 2020

Despre un nou tezaur de sec. 18 descoperit în Slovacia - 03.04.2020

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While removing the floor of the church in Obišovce near Košice, the foundations of the old church were uncovered. After this discovery, the archaeological company Triglav conducted research that took place at the beginning of February 2020, the Regional Monuments Board Košice reported.

Hoard coins from early 18th century stashed in ceramic mug
[Credit: KPÚ Košice]
During this work, the archaeologists discovered a unique treasure trove of coins, kept in a ceramic mug and covered with a small stone slab, under the original stone floor close to the western entrance of the church.

The hoard consists of more than 500 coins, most of them mining salary plates. The silver coins were wrapped separately, probably in linen clothing. The coins date the treasure to 1702 at the earliest.

Foundations of Renaissance church under the floor of Obišovce church
[Credit: KPÚ Košice]
The mining salary plates and coins were minted in Košice, Smolník and Banská Štiavnica, proof that believers journeyed from those regions and probably left them as charitable gifts. There were Polish coins amongst the treasure as well.

Preservationists say it is probable that the priest from the local church and parish collected the money and hid it under the floor in times of unrest. It is probable that when he left, he omitted to say anything about the money under the floor and it was forgotten about. 

Ceramic mug covered with stone [Credit: KPÚ Košice]
The historic sources state that after the Thӧkӧly uprising was over, sometime between 1685 and 1687, a Catholic priest returned to Kysak parish. Obišovce at that time belonged to this parish. The priest was a Pole, he was blind in one eye and sometime in the 1690's he went blind completely. The church was under the administration of the Catholic church until 1705 when rebels plundered it and it was left as a ruin for three years. The Polish priest was expelled and he returned to Poland.

The old church was established in the time of the Rennaisance and it was dismantled in the middle of the 19th century to be replaced by the current church.

Source: The Slovak Spectator [March 22, 2020] 

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