marți, 17 martie 2020

Despre o piesă brâncovenescă excepțională de argint vândută cu peste 19.000 $ - 17.03.2020

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Silver Medallic Taler/Tallér,1713. By Karl Hoffman. CONSTANINVS.BASSARABA DI.BRANKOWAN, Cuirassed bust of Prince Constantin right wearing a plumed fur hat and ermine robe. Rev. Crowned, ornately garnished oval Arms (MBR 287). A handsome example of this Very rare piece. Pearly slate-gray. About Uncirculated. Estimate Value $20,000 - UP Constantin II Brâncoveanu was tortured by the Ottomans and executed in August 1714, along with his sons - Constantin, Radu, Stefan and Matei. Constantin II and his four sons were later sanctified by the Romanian Orthodox Church. In 2018, by a decision of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, these saints were added to the Russian Orthodox calendar. Realized $19,200 


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