joi, 19 martie 2020

Despre o inițiativă numismatică din Spania - 19.03.2020

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We live in very difficult times, our lives and that of our family and friends are being threatened by a damn virus. There is disagreement about people and groups that may be acting appropriately in some cases and not so much in others, but if we look for a group of professionals that we all unanimously recognize and admire, they are the healthcare professionals, who are demonstrating these complicated times. His great effort and dedication, with the sole objective of saving as many lives as possible, putting his own at risk, without counting, in addition, all the material, both physical and human, that would be necessary to face the serious situation we are going through. 

The world of numismatics has always looked for people to honor for their contributions to society. There are coins from all years and countries that honor their most illustrious citizens, on many occasions, unfortunately afterwards. I think that at least in our country, the time has come to recognize, honor, honor… all those wonderful health professionals we have, in a tangible way, in something that remains for memory and history. The fact that each day we go out to recognize them with applause seems to me phenomenal, but unfortunately with the passage of time these gestures that are exciting today will gradually be forgotten.

We need to have something physical to look at when time passes, with which we will never forget everything they are doing for us today. For all this I want to launch an initiative, with your help, so that the National Mint and Stamp - Royal Mint issues a coin or series of coins to recognize our health workers for their work during the pandemic we are suffering from Covid -19.

The first idea that comes to my mind is the issuance of a 30-euro coin to replace the one planned for this year by the "First Centenary of the Spanish Soccer Team" , or to issue a second one under the theme, for example, "The Heroes that Save Lives", or a simple "THANK YOU". If any of the coins that I suggest is finally minted, another idea would be to lower the facial of the same from 30 to 20 euros, pay for it the corresponding 30, and that those 10 euros for each coin will gratify our toilets for this tremendous effort that they are carrying out; or part for them and another destined to reinforce our health system, which sooner or later we will all need throughout our lives.

This in principle is the sketch of an idea, open for all of you to participate by adding yours. For my part, the results of this initiative, which I hope you will join, I will transmit to the FNMT. The idea is that you share the initiative on social networks, WhatsApp ... with the aim of reaching the maximum number of people. We will calibrate the support by adding a comment to this entry, which can be a simple "A coin in recognition of our toilets", or any other phrase or comment you want to make.

Now a request for all those who have the ability and knowledge to make designs. As all this is a rather hasty initiative, especially if we take into account that the country is practically paralyzed, I ask you to design sketches of coins with which to reflect the recognition of Spanish society to its toilets. I promise that I will send them all to the FNMT. Keep in mind that you must renounce their copyright, in case the initiative comes to fruition and they decide to coin one of your designs.

To unify the designs, all must be done on this basis.


You can click on the image, it gets bigger and you can copy it, so you will have more facilities to capture what you have in mind that the composition must contain.

You can send all the designs to me at

I want to clarify that behind this initiative there is only me, and all of you who want to join, the FNMT does not know anything about this, although I hope you will welcome the suggestion that we are going to transmit to you.

Please participate, let's show that the numismatic world is, at least, as supportive as the rest of society.

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