duminică, 16 februarie 2020

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Austria - 16.02.2020

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The Mosasaurus Hoffmanni is the largest marine dinosaur that existed and one of the reptiles that reigned the oceans during the Cretaceous period until it became extinct about 66 million years ago. Descendant of land lizards, although equipped with fins, the Mosasaurus was a carnivorous reptile that lived in the sea and was in Western Europe and North America, and possibly in Japan and New Zealand. This mastodon is the protagonist of the second coin of the series «Super Dinosaurs» issued by the Austrian Mint Münze Österreich. 

Mosasaurus means 'lizard Mosa', since the first specimen was found near the river Meuse in the Netherlands. This giant reptile comprised almost 40 different genera with numerous species, the largest known, M. hoffmanni, reached lengths of up to 17 meters. Experts believe that Mosasaurus lived near the surface of the water, where it fed on fish, turtles, birds, pterosaurs and plesiosaurs. Despite its ability to do so, it is believed that Mosasaurus did not dive into deeper waters.

The coin depicts a Mosasaurus in color in the water, surrounded by sea creatures, including two more sea dinosaurs (Stenopterygius), rocks and an ammonite, a predatory creature similar to squid that lived inside shell-shaped shells. spiral.

This coin and all of the series have the peculiarity that they have been colored with special inks that make the silhouette of the animal represented in the piece shine in the dark. The Austrian Mint has officially issued this second piece of the series today, February 12.

On the reverse of the coin, a Mosasaurus Hoffmanni is represented next to the silhouettes of the other eleven dinosaurs that make up the Super Dinosaurs series.


Series: Super Dinosaurs

Face value: 3 Euros

Diameter: 34mm

Metal: Cupronickel

Weight: 16g

Emission volume: 65,000 (each)
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