sâmbătă, 7 decembrie 2019

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Luxemburg - 07.12.2019

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December 5, the Central Bank of Luxembourg has issued the commemorative 2 euro coin 2019 dedicated to the “Centenary of universal suffrage in Luxembourg”, in rolls of 25 coins in UNC quality. This is the most economical version in which we can acquire it, as long as we don't mind the different combinations of mint marks that the piece presents in its different presentations.

The design shows, to the left, to His Royal Highness the great Duke Henri and, to the right, a hand appears introducing a vote in an urn. The name of the issuing State, "LUXEMBOURG" appears at the bottom. At the top, the inscription "Centenaire du suffrage universel" (centenary of universal suffrage) is read and, below, the
years "1919-2019", the last of which refers to the year of issue.
The twelve stars of the European flag appear in the circular crown of the coin.

Different brands of mint that can be found

The total issuance volume is 308,500 coins, divided and issued as follows:

300,000 pieces issued this December 5 in rolls of 25 coins, have the mint marks: "Crowned and double-tailed rampant lion" and "Mercury Caduceus", as you can see in the image above where it says "UNC Coins".

7,500 pieces in BU quality were issued last October presented on coincard, with the following mint marks: «St Servatius Bridge in Maastricht» and «Mercury Caduceus». See above image «BU Coins».

1,000 pieces in Proof quality have also been issued today within the Euroset Proof 2019, along with the rest of the currencies of the current year, including the other coin of 2 euros commemorated by the «Centenary of the ascension to the throne of Grand Duchess Carlota ». The mint marks are the following: «Crowned and double-tailed rampant lion» and «St Servatius Bridge in Maastricht». See top image «Coins« BE ». 

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