joi, 12 decembrie 2019

Despre o monedă de aur transilvană vândută cu 278,000 dolari - 12.12.2019

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This Transylvania 1696 Gold 10 Ducats graded NGC MS 63+ realized 276,000 Swiss Francs (about $278,000 USD).

A 17th century Transylvania coin realized 276,000 Swiss francs (about $278,000 USD) in a Maison Palombo auction held Nov. 17 in Geneva. 

The Hungary-Transylvania 1696 gold 10 ducats graded NGC MS-63+ has on its obverse a depiction of Leopold I (1640-1705), who was Holy Roman Emperor and King of Hungary, Croatia, and Bohemia, which stretched across much of Central and Eastern Europe. The coin weighs 34.6 grams and was minted in Klausenburg, which now is called Cluj-Napoca and is in Romania. The city also is the unofficial capital of the historical province of Transylvania.

Sursa informațiilor NumismaticNews.

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