miercuri, 6 noiembrie 2019

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Germania - 06.11.2019

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From the German Ministry of Finance we get the image that will present the commemorative 2-euro coin issued in 2020 in which we are portrayed the historical event that occurred on December 7, 1970, when Foreign Minister Willy Brandt knelt before the memorial of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising where thousands of Jewish victims of the Nazis died during World War II. The coin commemorates this fact under the name of «50th Anniversary of the Warsaw Genuflection».


Designed by artist Bodo Broschat, the coin shows the moment in which German Chancellor then kneels as a gesture of humility in front of the monument to the heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto. The composition is illustrated in reference to the 1943 ghetto uprising, considered the most famous attempt at Jewish resistance against the Germans. A 7-arm candlestick, one of the oldest symbols of Judaism, presides over the scene. On this act Willy Brandt would later write in his memoirs: "On the edge of the abyss of German history and under the weight of the millions killed, I did what men do when words are missing."

This currency will be put into circulation in October 2020, with an issue volume still to be determined.

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