sâmbătă, 7 septembrie 2019

Noi monede comemorative emise de Canada în luna Septembrie - 07.09.2019 - VIDEO

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Another month I have prepared a selection of images of numismatic emissions that have been put on sale by the Canadian Royal Canadian Mint during this month of September 2019.

It is surprising to check the number of different currencies that this Mint can present each month, but more importantly, the vast majority of these are of great beauty, being pieces that can have a prominent place in any collection. The downside is that they are coins with very limited runs and in general very high prices.


If you want to expand information on any of these currencies, I leave you a link to the Royal Canadian online store in its news section.

I also leave you a compilation of videos, in which we can see real coins of some of their latest broadcasts.

Sursa: Youtube Utilizator: Royal Canadian Mint

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