sâmbătă, 22 iunie 2019

Noi monede comemorative din Africa de Sud - 22.06.2019

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The South African Mint is circulating a series of six coins to commemorate 25 years of constitutional democracy in South Africa. The new currencies aim to highlight some of the rights that their citizens value most, after April 27, 1994, the first democratic elections were held in the country. For the first time, blacks, who represent three-quarters of the population, voted, putting an end to three centuries of white rule and the apartheid regime in force since 1948. Issues such as children's rights, the right to education and Environmental rights, among others, are reflected in the new currencies.

Bimetallic coin of 5 rand

Lady Skollie's design of the circulation coin of 5 rand shows a multitude of people who vote for a nation without discrimination, where all peoples are equal. Having such a monumental effect on history by condemning this highly defamed system, the words "to live and fight for freedom" sound true and were included in the national anthem of South Africa.

Children's Rights 2 Rand Coin

The currency of 2 rand Children's Rights represents the human rights to which children have had access in the last 25 years of constitutional democracy. Every child needs physical protection, food, education and healthcare. In South Africa, the rights of children include the equal protection of their civil rights and freedom from discrimination based on innate characteristics such as race, gender, nationality and disability, to name just a few. 
The artist Neo Mahlangu wanted the design of the coin to show the joy of the children and generate a feeling of nostalgia in the adults, with the hope of promoting the united goal of protecting the South African children.

2 Rand currency Right to Education
The right to education has been recognized as a human right in several countries and in international conventions and organizations of world renown, such as UNESCO. In South Africa, they are proud that their constitutional democracy supports this right and accepts the responsibility they have as a nation, to provide basic education to anyone of any age.
Designed by Neo Mahlangu, the circulation coin of 2 rand Right to Education represents the commitment to provide access to education in this country. The design of the coin illustrates education at different levels, from pre-school education to obtaining individual degrees in their maturity years.

2 Rand Currency Environmental Rights
Having environmental rights means having access to natural resources, including water, food and clean air that allow for survival. The constitution states that everyone has the right to an environment that is not harmful to their health and well-being; and have the environment protected, for the benefit of present and future generations.
Designer Maaike Bakker presented simplified and integrated elements in the art of circulation coin of Environmental Rights of 2 rand, which portray the large outdoor spaces in South Africa. His desire is that the majestic environment in which we live, be protected and preserved, so that all those who inhabit it can enjoy it.

2 rand currency Right of Movement and Residence
The freedom to move as one likes within the country and abroad is perhaps one of the most important rights to which South Africans have access. The dark history of the apartheid era, which restricted the movement of blacks and forced the segregation of residential housing, has been replaced by the right to travel, live and work freely where one chooses.
Citing this as his most significant and challenging work as an artist, Rasty Knayles endeavored to illustrate how free they are now to explore their beautiful country. The symbols in this currency represent the freedom of 25 years of constitutional democracy.

2 Rand Currency Freedom of Religion, Belief and Opinion
The right to choose, change or practice your own beliefs and opinions in South Africa is an extraordinary freedom worth celebrating. Detailed in Section 15 (1) of the Bill of Rights, South African citizens are free to have and follow whatever belief system or religion they choose and to manifest that belief through practice, teaching or worship.
Peter Mammes successfully represents this in his design of this 2 rand coin using raised hands, sign language for religion. The hands themselves do not convey gender, color, age or any information that can exclude any group; rather, they convey a sense of unity and freedom, speaking universally to all in all creeds and religions.

Reverse of the 2 and 5 rand coins
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