miercuri, 29 mai 2019

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Olanda - 29.05.2019

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Every year, since 2012, special commemorative coins celebrating the World Heritage of Holland have been issued. The Kingdom of the Netherlands currently has ten places declared World Heritage by UNESCO, of which, the Royal Mint of the Netherlands (Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt) has immortalized seven of them in a commemorative coin. Today we present the eighth coin of 5 euros of the series dedicated to Polder Beemster.

This coin tells the story of the historic polder in the province of North Holland, where the Dutch drained the land and turned it into agricultural and fertile land. This year holds 20 °anniversary of the proclamation of Beemster as a World Heritage Site. 


The German artist Katrin Korfmann, who lives in Amsterdam, is the designer of the coin dedicated to Beemster. The design highlights the contrast between the free and organic form of the natural landscape and the elegant network that forms the landscape of the polder.

On the obverse of the coin we see the portrait of King Willem-Alexander in profile, looking to the right: abstract but recognizable.

Characteristics of the currency

Metal: Silver copper
Weight: 10.50 g
Diameter: 29.0 mm
Quality: Circulation
Nominal value: 5 euros
Volume of emission: 50,000 (quality of circulation presented in coincard)

These coins have liberal power in your country.


This information corresponds to the base or circulation currency. There are other options for buying with the same design. Coin in silver, gold (with facial of 10 euros), etc ... For those interested in the other versions, expand news or purchase of them I leave this link to the online store of the Dutch company KNM.
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