miercuri, 22 mai 2019

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Estonia - 22.05.2019

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The Bank of Estonia today announced that the commemorative 2-euro coin dedicated to the "150th anniversary of the Estonian Song Festival" will be broadcast on Wednesday, May 29. A million coins have been minted, of which 10,000 in BU quality will be put on sale in a coincard. Later, on July 5, 2,500 units of a numismatic-philatelic coin envelope are also issued. 

The design corresponds to Grete-Lisette Gulbis, 15 years old, high school student and winner of the contest held in the fall of 2017 for the design of the coin. The author comments that her design is inspired by the national folk costumes and the joy that the Festival of the Song transmits, where the notes of the compositions move like waves in the sea.

Although there is still no image of the coin presented in coincard, if it is of the one that will be presented in the numismatic-philatelic envelope, in which the coin, an envelope and a stamp of € 10 will be combined. This issue will consist of 2,500 units at the price of € 15.


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