marți, 14 mai 2019

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Elveția - 15.05.2019

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Aldrin and Neil Armstrong were the first humans to step on the surface of the moon thanks to the Apollo 11 mission on July 21, 1969. Before astronaut Buzz Aldrin hoisted the American flag on the moon almost 50 years ago, it took place an experiment of Swiss origin that serves as a motive for a coin that has just been issued by the Swiss Mint, Swissmint.

Built by the University of Bern, the Solar Veil was the only non-US experiment aboard the Apollo 11, which at the same time was simple was of great scientific value. It consisted of a sheet of aluminum foil, 1.4 m by 0.3 m fixed on a pole facing the Sun to capture any solar wind particle with which to verify the existence of this, already suspected at that time that existed but could not be measured from the earth.


The design of the coin shows the moment in which the astronaut Aldrin deploys the Solar Sail on the Moon, even before the American flag.

Combining scientific and diplomatic arguments, the Swiss physicist Johannes Geiss of the University of Bern managed to convince NASA to deploy the Swiss solar sail before the American flag, to maximize the exposure time of the blade. Before the launch, someone half-jokingly suggested I was serious about adding a Swiss flag inside the aluminum roll, so that it was the first flag placed on the Moon by man.


In honor of the 50th anniversary of the lunar landing of Apollo 11 and the first highlight in space research at the University of Bern, the Swissmint has issued a commemorative coin. The silver coin with facial of 20 francs was designed by the engraver of the Swiss Mint Mascherini. It is on sale since May 9, 2019 in the BU and Proof qualities.

Reason 50th anniversary arrival at the Moon 
Nominal value 20 Swiss francs 
Alloy Silver 0.835 purity 
Weight 20 g 
Diameter 33 mm 
BU 20,000 
Proof 5,000

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