marți, 5 februarie 2019

O nouă monedă comemorativă din San Marino - 05.02.2019

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There are several coins this year dedicated to the "500 Anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci", among them is a commemorative 2 euros that San Marino announced last July and of which today the Ufficio Filatelico e Numismatico has made known what will be the design represented in the piece. 

The design of the coin shows a part of the painting entitled The Baptism of Christ, a painting of the workshop of the Italian Renaissance painter Verrcchio, in which some of the parts are attributed to Leonardo da Vinci.

It was painted between 1475-1478, it is currently in the Uffizi Gallery, in the city of Florence.

It is considered that this is the first important work of Leonardo da Vinci as an apprentice. He made the painting together with his teacher Verrocchio. For this painting, Verrocchio counted on the collaboration of Botticelli and a teenage Leonardo.

All the parts executed in oil are attributed to Leonardo. It is his indisputable work the angel that is in profile, down to the left, kneeling and picking up his clothes, the same that is represented on the coin and which as you can see has been obviated the halo that crowns, probably because Europe asks that the designs of the coins comply with the principle of religious neutrality, and it seems that, before having any veto design, they have decided to dispense with the halo to ensure their approval.

The issue date is April 4, its circulation is unknown for now.

Thanks to partner Paul (Euromunter) for the information.

Coins of 2 commemorative euros 2019

Commemorative 2 euro coins of San Marino
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