miercuri, 27 februarie 2019

Noi monede comemorative din Spania - 27.02.2019

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From today, February 25, 2019, the National Currency and Stamp Factory-Real Casa de la Moneda makes available to the public four new coins from the collection "History of Navigation", which will have a total of 20 pieces . The first four were issued in December 2018 and the remaining twelve will be issued throughout 2019.

The Royal Mint has decided to coin a series of coins dedicated to recall the "History of Navigation", which reproduces a selection of boats that, for one reason or another, have been relevant throughout the times.

Combat Supply Shipment Patiño
He has participated in operations Sharp Guard (former Yugoslavia 1996) and Allied Action (Kosovo crisis, 1998). Its most notable action was carried out in the Arabian Sea (2002) when, in the company of the Navarra frigate (Operation "Enduring Freedom"), they succeeded in capturing the vessel So San from North Korea carrying 15 Scoud missiles, 15 conventional warheads , 23 drums of nitric acid and 85 of chemical products.

This BAC (Combat Supply Ship) is the result of cooperation between the Navy of Spain and the Netherlands, and between the shipyards of NAVANTIA and those of the Royal Schelde Naval Shipyards that built at the same time the Amsterdam. It bears the name of the Secretary of State of the Navy and Indies of Felipe V, Mr. José Patiño Rosales, father of the current Spanish Armada. He displaces 17,045 tons under full load. It has 2 Decca 2690 navigation radars and a TACAN (Tactical Air Navigation System) URN-25 A to help its aircraft. Reach max speed of 22 knots. Its autonomy is 13,440 miles at 20 knots.

Period: In the Navy since 06-06-1994

Length: 165.84 m. Beam: 23.7 m Draft: Max. 8 m

Propulsion: 2 Bazán / Burmeister & Wain diesel engines with 24,000 hp.

Armament: 2 Oerlikon guns of 20 mm / 85c. and 2 Browning 12.7 mm machine guns. and 6 chaff throwers.

The obverse reproduces in colors the Image of the BAC (Ship of Provisioning of Combat) Patiño, according to photography property of the Spanish Navy.

Battleship Charles V
In the Spanish-American War of 1898, he was part of the squadron commanded by Admiral D. Manuel de la Cámara who tried to reach the Philippines by Suez, where he was retained by the English command, finally returning to the peninsula. Already in peace and together with the battleship Pelayo, they were the only "representation" ships that the Navy had until the battleships of the Maura-Ferrándiz plan (1908) began to be incorporated.

Built in the shipyards of Vea Mugía in Cádiz, it was the result of the naval plan of Rodríguez de Arias in 1888, which involved civil shipyards in military shipbuilding. Unique in its class, it was delivered to the Navy on 02.06.1897 and definitively decommissioned on 05.12.1931, being scrapped in 1933. This armored cruiser displaced 10,066 tons at full load. The installed power of 18,500 hp allowed it to reach 20 knots of speed. Its autonomy was 3,300 miles at maximum speed and 9,600 miles at 11 knots.

Period: 19th and 20th centuries

Length: 116 m Sleeve: 20.8 m. Strut: 12.35 m. Draft: Max. 7.8 m.

Propulsion: Two triple expansion machines (100 rpm) and 12 cylindrical boilers.

Armament: Cannons, machine guns and torpedo launchers.
On the obverse is reproduced in colors an image of the work entitled "Crucero Carlos V", which is preserved in the Naval Museum of Madrid. In the upper left, the legend CRUCERO ACORAZADO CARLOS V.

Chinese Champagtan
Especially destructive campaigns for the champatians were the opium wars, in the middle of the 19th century. From the twentieth century China was opened to Western technology and Champagnat ceased to be built and used.

It is a variety of champagne (smaller vessel than the junk) abundant in China and Japan. The champagne was a boat usually lighter than champagne, designed for coastal waters or even directly river.

Period: 15th to 19th centuries

Length: Around 30 m. Manga: Around 8 m.

Propulsion: Sail and Oars.

Armament: In general small caliber artillery (pinzote muskets, verses, falconetes). Less frequently, larger pieces of spoon.
On the obverse is reproduced in colors a detail of the work entitled "Marina of the Far East. Chinese boats Modern war rush. Champatian ", made by Rafael Monleón y Torres, which is preserved in the Naval Museum of Madrid. In the upper left, the CHAMPATIAN CHINESE legend. Surround the motives and legends of the central area a line of pine nuts. In the outer area of ​​the coin, in a circular direction, appear aquatic motives treated in a symbolic manner and, in the lower part, in ascending circular direction and in capital letters, the legend SPAIN and the year of coinage 2019.

Greek War Trireme

Famous battles in which the triremes participated were that of Salamis (480 BC, where the Greek fleet defeated the Persian) and the Erineo or Epipolis (413 BC, in which the Syracusans defeated the Athenians).

The trireme, as a battleship, was the result of an evolution of other previous ships, especially the pentecontero, smaller, which disappeared when the trireme became general at the end of the 6th century BC. C. Initially it was dedicated to the commerce and was armed to act in case of war; then, it was used to protect trade, to transport troops and to attack enemy cities. In the 4th century BC C. the trireme was postponed by the quinquerreme, but it returned to be dominant when Rome prevailed in the Mediterranean and lasted until the IV century of our era.

Period: Between the sixth century BC C and IV dC

Length: Between 35 and 40 m. Manga: Between 3.5 and 6 m. Draft: Max. 1.5 m

Propulsion: Mixed rowing and sailing.

Armament: Spur and the hand of the combatants who endowed it.

On the obverse is reproduced in colors a detail of the work entitled "Greek Navy of war. Large triremes galleys ", made by Rafael Monleón y Torres, which is preserved in the Naval Museum of Madrid. In the upper left, the legend TRIRREME DE GUERRA GRIEGA.


On the back (common to all the pieces), inside a central circle, appears the value of the coin 1.5 EURO, in two lines and in capital letters, and the legend HISTORY OF NAVIGATION, in a circular and uppercase sense. Surround the legends of the central area a line of pine nuts. Outside the central circle, in the outer area of ​​the coin, there are six dolphins jumping, in a counter-clockwise direction, on the same aquatic motifs that appear on the anvers. It surrounds all the motifs and all the legends with a graphite of pine nuts. 
Characteristics of the coins

Facial: 1.5 euros Composition: Cupronickel Weight: 15 g Diameter: 33 mm Maximum emission volume: 10,000 of each Price: 14 € plus VAT

If you want to see the complete series, you can see it in what was published here on August 22nd. 
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