sâmbătă, 22 decembrie 2018

Noi monede comemorative din Spania - 22.12.2018

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Today we are going to solve a question that many of us had, at least me, about the new series of coins that the National Mint and Stamp Factory has just issued - Real Casa de la Moneda, under the name «History of Navigation», coins that having acceptance among collectors can mark a before and after in future series, opening a line for those who do not care so much that the coins contain noble metals, but have affordable prices and attractive design.

When I saw for the first time images of the coins of the History of Navigation series, I was left wondering if the central area of ​​the anverses, where the different ships appear, had engravings or was a smooth surface in which it had simply been "Painted", or there was also the possibility that a kind of sticker had been attached to it. To resolve this doubt, the ideal would be to have the image of a coin without coloring, with that image would resolve the doubts, and as of course I want everyone to be clear, I got the image of a "naked" coin, without no paint or makeup.

With this image, although it is not as good as I would like, everything is clarified.


We already see that the coins do have engravings, the fact is that many may like the coin more so, than after coloring.

As for the acceptance that the series is having, I can tell you that it exceeds the most optimistic forecasts, in just four days since its sale, more than 2,000 series have already been sold, out of the 10,000 of the collection. .

For me it is a satisfaction that this series works, I have always opted for more affordable coins, with attractive reasons that bring numismatics closer to the maximum number of people. I would be delighted if more series of this type were projected, if it could be even more economical, with motives that would bring the youngest ones closer to coin collecting. I hope that in the not too distant future, numismatics is a hobby, where children, parents and grandparents can share this wonderful hobby that brings us so much satisfaction and reveals a multitude of things we did not know.

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