joi, 6 decembrie 2018

Noi monede comemorative din Spania - 06.12.2018

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In 2019, the 30-euro coin issued by the National Fabrica de Moneda y Timbre will have as its theme the Bicentennial of the Museo del Prado. From the Facebook page of the National Museum of the Prado they show us the two options that are being shuffled to translate into the currency, and they ask for our vote to choose between the two designs, in both they are famous paintings of Velázquez: Baltasar Carlos on horseback and Las Meninas.

Prince Baltasar Carlos on horseback

The prince Baltasar Carlos, son of Felipe IV is the protagonist of this picture of Velázquez. The painting was intended to promote the authority of the future king, who already posed in the style of his father and grandfather. Hence the scepter in the right hand and military clothing, even as a child.

Las Meninas

The painting Las Meninas painted in 1656 by Velazquez portrays the Infanta Margarita surrounded by her small court. Titled originally as The Empress and her ladies and then The family for finally in the nineteenth century take the name of Las Meninas.

From this link you can choose which design seems the most appropriate to commemorate in a coin the 200 years of the Prado Museum.  
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