vineri, 23 noiembrie 2018

Un nou tezaur medieval de 460 kg descoperit în China - 23.11.2018

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Workers found large number of ancient coins at a construction site in Baishui county of Weinan, Northwest China's Shaanxi province which, according to archaeologists, mostly belong to the Song Dynasty (960-1279).

Credit: VCG

Zhao Zhangfeng, director of Baishui cultural relics office, said that police received the report of the discovery and quickly arrived and cordoned off at the site .

Credit: VCG

Archaeologists later arrived at the site and collected about 100,000 coins, weighing 460 kilograms. A few coins date back to Tang Dynasty (618-907), though most are from the Song Dynasty.
Credit: VCG

Zhao said that few people could have so many coins at that time, and initial analysis showed that the coins belong to the old-style Chinese private bank that buried the coins during wars.

Source: China Daily [November 17, 2018]

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