marți, 11 septembrie 2018

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Palau - 11.09.2018

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Palau has recently released a 38.61mm, 1 oz .999 fine silver $5 proof showing the imprint of an Alligator’s bite.

Obverse and reverse views of Palau’s Alligator bite silver $5 proof. (Images courtesy NumisCollect)
The reverse of the coin presents the reptile almost fully immersed in water. Just the high parts of the animal’s back and upper head can be seen, fully struck-up in ultra-high relief by Smartminting®. 

Oblique reverse view of Palau’s Alligator bite silver $5 proof. Note the slight deformation of the coin, reflecting the strength of the reptilian bite. (Image courtesy NumisCollect)
On the obverse, all the monster’s teeth have penetrated the coin so as to protrude from the coin’s surface with the coin deformed along the length of the bite. As an added bonus, the teeth go in and out. The arms of Palau are in the process of being swallowed by the beastie.

The coin is the work of NumisCollect (, from whom it can be obtained if your friendly neighborhood dealer is unable to supply – and you get in quick.

It should become available this month (September), but mintage is just 999.
Sursa informațiilor NumismaticNews.

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